Rule Chapter: 64B5-17
Chapter Title: DENTAL PRACTICE AND PRINCIPLES Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 64B5-17.001 Required Availability of Dental Records Upon Relocation or Termination of Practice, or Death of Practitioner 6/25/2024
Rule file 64B5-17.0011 Change of Address 2/15/2022
Rule file 64B5-17.002 Written Dental Records; Minimum Content; Retention 10/30/2023
Rule file 64B5-17.003 Patient Referrals 2/15/2022
Rule file 64B5-17.004 Emergency Care 4/26/1987
Rule file 64B5-17.0045 Standards for the Prescribing of Controlled Substances for the Treatment of Acute Pain 12/4/2018
Rule file 64B5-17.005 Identification of Removable Prosthetic Devices 6/20/1989
Rule file 64B5-17.006 Prescription Forms 5/28/2009
Rule file 64B5-17.009 Patient Records; Copying Charges; Timely Release 1/23/2001
Rule file 64B5-17.010 Unlicensed Practice of Dentistry 10/8/2003
Rule file 64B5-17.0105 Ownership of Dental Instruments by a Dental Hygienist 6/3/2019
Rule file 64B5-17.011 Financial Responsibility 6/13/2007
Rule file 64B5-17.012 Use of Sargenti Material 5/29/1996
Rule file 64B5-17.013 Proprietorship by Nondentists 3/27/2002
Rule file 64B5-17.014 Removal of Amalgam Fillings 10/21/2002
Rule file 64B5-17.015 Office Safety Requirement 5/31/2004