Reference: Ref-02074

Reference Name: Form 62-730.900(1)(b)
Agency: 62 Department of Environmental Protection
62 Departmental

Modified Document(s):
6/14/2013 Adding the check box under Section 12 B. for Florida Universal Pharmaceutical Waste (UPW) Transporter, which was left ...
7/19/2013 Corrected effective date on form.
Original Document(s):
12/5/2012 8700-12FL - Florida Notification of Regulated Waste Activity
Description: 8700-12FL - Florida Notification of Regulated Waste Activity

Disclaimer: External links within the reference material are subject to change outside of the rulemaking process.

Rules/Notices using this Reference Material
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Proposed
The purpose and effect of this proposed rule will be to amend rules identified in the Department's 2018-2019 Regulatory Plan as needing to be amended to increase efficiency and improve coordination with other programs by .... 21837142 8/15/2019
Vol. 45/159
View Text Proposed
The purpose and effect of this proposed rule will be to amend rules identified in the Department's 2018-2019 Regulatory Plan as needing to be amended to increase efficiency and improve coordination with other programs by .... 21837433 8/15/2019
Vol. 45/159
View Text Final
Registration and Notification 20584193 Effective:
View Text Final
General 20584969 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose and effect of this proposed rule is to amend rules to increase efficiency and internal consistency by adopting federal regulations by reference, and making technical corrections. 19859021 4/13/2018
Vol. 44/73
View Text Proposed
The purpose and effect of this proposed rule is to amend rules identified in the Department's 2016-2017 Regulatory Plan as needing to be amended to increase efficiency and internal consistency by adopting federal regulations .... 20018101 4/13/2018
Vol. 44/73
View Text Final
Registration and Notification 12852032 Effective:
View Text Final
General 12853002 Effective: