Notice of Invitation to Bid
Agency for Workforce Innovation (AWI)
Proposals are requested from qualified licensed contractors by the State of
PROJECT NAME & LOCATION: Building 2550 HVAC Modifications,
MANDATORY PREQUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Each bidder whose field is governed by Chapters 399, 455, 489 and 633, Florida Statutes, for licensure or certification must submit prequalification data of their eligibility to submit proposals. Prequalification requirements are outlined in the Invitation to Bid under Section B.37, “Qualifications Requirements.”
After the bid opening, the low bidder may be required to provide additional financial and bidding qualifications in accordance with Rule 60D-5.004, Florida Administrative Code. These requirements are outlined in the Section B, Special Instructions for the Preparation and Submission of Responses under B.37.1 “Bidder’s Qualifications Requirements and Procedures” Section (2)(a), 1 (a) and (b).
BID BOND: Bidder shall include a certified check, cashier’s check, treasurer’s check, bank draft or Bid Bond in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the Bid. (Failure to submit a bid bond will result in disqualification).
PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND: 100% of total contract amount will be required with award of contract.
MANDATORY PRE-RESPONSE SITE VISIT: A mandatory pre-response site visit will be held on
The Drawings and Specifications (limit of one (1 per General Contractor or Prime Bidder) may be obtained by contacting the Ft. Lauderdale Building Manager, Derrick Smith at (954)677-5628 or Cell (954)290-3871. It is recommended that the building manager be contacted at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Mandatory Pre-Response Site Visit to request a copy of the drawings and specifications.
Sealed bids will be received, publicly opened and read aloud on:
BID OPENING DATE AND TIME: August 30, 2011 at 3:00 P.M. (EST)
LOCATION: Agency for Workforce Innovation, Purchasing Office, MSC B-047, 107 East Madison Street, Caldwell Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4218.
Any person with a qualified disability requiring special accommodations at the pre-bid conference, and/or bid opening, shall contact this office by using Florida Relay Services by dialing 1(800)955-8771 (TDD).
CONTRACT AWARD: The bid tabulation and Notice of Intent to Award will be posted on the date specified in Section B.6, Calendar of Events and at the location where the bids are opened. The Agency for Workforce Innovation reserves the right to reject any and all bids in the best interest of the State of Florida. For details please visit the Vendor Bid System (VBS) website at: http://myflorida/com/apps/vbs/vbs_main_menu, click on “Search Advertisements” and select “Agency for Workforce Innovation.”