Notice of Variances and Waivers
62-610.865: Blending of Demineralization Concentrate with Reclaimed Water
The Department of Environmental Protection, South District hereby gives notice:
That on August 5, 2011, it issued a Final Order granting a variance from the requirements of subsection 62-610.865(8), F.A.C., to Hendry County for their Port LaBelle Wastewater Treatment Plant. Hendry County filed the petition for variance on March 23, 2011. Notice of receipt of this petition was published in the F.A.W. on April 15, 2011. The petition requested a variance from subsection 62-610.865(8), F.A.C., that requires continuous monitoring of effluent for specific conductance and weekly monitoring of effluent for TSS, fluoride, TDS, chlorides, pH, sodium adsorption ratio, sodium, magnesium, and calcium for wastewater treatment plants that blend demineralization concentrate with reclaimed water. No public comment was received. The Order, OGC number 11-0509, granted the Petition, based on a showing that Petitioner demonstrated that a strict application of the rule would result in substantial hardship to Petitioner or would affect Petitioner differently than other similarly situated applicants and because Petitioner had successfully fulfilled the requirements of the underlying statute by other means.
A copy of the Order or additional information may be obtained by contacting:
Brandon Ivey, DEP, South District, P. O. Box 2549, Fort Myers, Florida 33902-2549, email:, (239)344-5600.