This rulemaking had proposed amendments to the Environmental Resource Permit Modification Short Form and the General Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Application for Modification Related to Outparcel Construction Within Permitted Commercial/Industrial Projects form. Only the latter form will be revised in this rulemaking. The Modification Short Form will not be revised.
40D-4.331 Modification of Permits.
An application for modification of an Environmental Resource Permit shall be processed in accordance with this rule, unless the permit is revoked.
(1) No change.
(2) Applications to modify a construction permit shall be made by formal or Short Form modification:
(a) Formal modifications.
1. No change.
2. A request for modification involving construction within an outparcel of a permitted commercial or industrial development should be made using the General Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Application for Modification Related to Outparcel Construction Within Permitted Projects, Form No. LEG-R.001.03 (11/11) (9/11), incorporated herein by reference. A copy of the form can be obtained from the District’s website at or from the District offices.
3. No change.
(b) Except for projects identified in paragraph (2)(a), applications to modify a permit may be made by submittal of an “Environmental Resource Permit Modification Short Form”, Form No. LEG-R.013.01 (4/09) LEG-R.013.03 (9/11) incorporated herein by reference, a copy of which can be obtained from the District’s website at or from District offices, provided the requested modification does not:
1. through 6. No change.
(3) through (4) No change.