Notice of Change/Withdrawal

Division of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services
69K-21.005: Display of Licenses.
Notice is hereby given that the following correction has been made to the proposed rule in Vol. 37 No. 49, December 9, 2011 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

In response to comments by JAPC staff, the following corrections are made:

1) In the Notice of Proposed Rule (NPR) published on 12-9-11, in the section regarding the SERC and legislative ratification, the phrase “Knowledge and experience of Department staff” is deleted. A SERC was prepared. The following summary of the SERC is provided: This rule action will reduce costs to regulated persons. The rule will allow the photo required to be attached to the person’s license displayed at their place of work, to be up to 6 years old (versus 2 years under the current rule) If a licensee works at more than one location, they can post a photocopy of their license at the 2nd and subsequent locations (they do not need to obtain additional official duplicate licenses from the Division as under the present rules, which additional licenses require payment of a fee). Licensees thus save money and trouble due to less frequently having to replace photos, and not having to obtain extra originals of licenses issued to them.

2) The reference at subsection 69K-21.005(1), F.A.C., to Section 497.604(1), F.S., is changed to refer to Section 497.604(10), F.S.