The University of Florida Board of Trustees, announces that utilities construction services will be required for the project listed below:
Work Order No. 863096,
The Project consists of the installation of 3,000 LF of 18” chilled water mains, 650 LF of steam & condensate mains, and 1,500 LF of electrical duct bank work in the
The method of delivery is Request for Proposal, wherein award is based on a Best Value evaluation of the offeror’s technical merit and proposed price. The following criteria shall be used to determine each proposal’s technical merit. Refer to the non-technical specifications for more information.
1. Past Performance and Experience
2. Method and Approach to Work
3. Schedule
4. Bonding Capacity, Licensure, Fiscal Stability, and History
Plans and specifications will be available at UF Purchasing, Elmore Hall,
At the time of application, applicant must be licensed to practice as a general contractor in the State of
All questions should be submitted in writing via e-mail or fax to D. J. Bair, P.E., Project Manager, Physical Plant Division A/E Department, at or (352) 392-4958 (fax).
Five (5) sealed copies of the required proposal must be received at the UF Division of Purchasing office by 2:00 P.M., local time on Friday, May 26, 2006. The cost and technical portions of each proposal shall be bound and sealed in separate envelopes entitled “Cost Proposal” and “Technical Proposal.” Facsimile (FAX) submittals and late submittals are not acceptable and will not be considered.
UF Purchasing
Elmore Hall,
Telephone: (352) 392-1331