64B8-55.002: Citations
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The Council proposes the rule amendments to delete unnecessary language and address those violations appropriate for issuance of a citation.
SUMMARY: The rule amendments will delete unnecessary language and address those violations appropriate for issuance of a citation.
SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED REGULATORY COSTS: No Statement of Estimated Regulatory Cost was prepared.
Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.
SPECIFIC AUTHORITY: 456.077(1),(2) FS.
LAW IMPLEMENTED: 456.072(3)(b), 456.077(1),(2), 478.51, 478.52 FS.
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Susan Love, Executive Director, Board of Board of Medicine, Dietetics and Nutrition Council/MQA, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin # C05, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3255
64B8-55.002 Citations.
(1) through (2) No change.
(3) All citations include a requirement that the subject correct the violation, if remediable, within a specified period of time not to exceed 60 days, and impose whatever obligations necessary to remedy the offense. The citation may be served upon the licensee by hand delivery or certified mail at the licensee’s last known home address. If service by certified mail fails because the licensee had relocated without leaving a forwarding address, then the Department shall endeavor to give the subject actual or constructive notice of the pending disciplinary action as permitted by law.
(4) No change.
(5) The Board designates the following as electrology citations violations in laser or light based hair removal. Failure to have:
a. Written designation of laser First time violation $150,
safety officer Subsequent violations
(64B8-51.006(g)(4), F.A.C.). $300
b. Appropriate sign on door First time violation $150,
of laser room as required by Subsequent violations
ANSI Standard Z136.1-2000, $300.
in effect on June 1, 2006, available
from American National Standards
4th Floor,
(64B51.006(3)(g)5., F.A.C.)
c. Cold water and ice First time violation $150,
(64B8-51.006(g)(9), F.A.C.) Subsequent
violation $300.
d. Lock on door of laser room First time violation
(64B8-51.006(g)(6), F.A.C.) $150, Subsequent
violation $300.
e. Fire extinguisher in vicinity First time violation $150,
of laser room Subsequent
(64B8-51.006(g)(8), F.A.C.) violation $300.
f. Written protocols that are First time violation
signed, dated, and maintained $200, Subsequent
in a readily available location violation $400.
on the premises where the
electrologist practices
(64B8-56.002(4)(a), F.A.C.)
g. Copy of protocols filed with First time violation
the Department of Health $200, Subsequent
(64B-56.002(4)(a), F.A.C.) violation $400.
h. Professional liability coverage First time violation
includes coverage for incidents $250, Subsequent
arising from laser usage in an violation $500
amount not less than $100,000.
(64B8-56.002(4)(e), F.A.C.)
i. At least one piece of properly First time violation $300,
registered laser equipment located Subsequent violation
within the electrology facility $600.
(64B8-56.002 (1)(b), F.A.C.)
j. Protective eyewear for all First time violation $300,
persons in laser room during Subsequent violation
operation of laser. $600.
(64B8-51.006(g)(7), F.A.C.
k. Proof of completion of 30 hours First time violation $500,
of post-licensure education Subsequent violation
in laser hair removal for all $1000.
electrologists using laser
equipment in the facility
(64B8–52.004 F.A.C.)
l. Proof of certification as Certified First time violation $500,
Medical Electrologist for all Subsequent
persons who use laser
equipment in the facility, violation $1000.
who are not exempt and are
licensed electrologists
(64B8-56.002(2)(b), F.A.C.)
(6)(5) In addition to the penalties established in this rule, the Department shall may recover the costs of investigation in accordance with its rules. When the Department intends to assess the costs of investigation, the The penalty specified in the citation shall be the sum of the penalty established by this rule plus the Department's cost of investigation.
(7)(6) No change.
Specific Authority 456.077(1),(2) FS. Law Implemented 456.072(3)(b), 456.077(1),(2), 478.51, 478.52 FS. History–New 11-16-93, Formerly 61F6-80.002, Amended 1-2-95, Formerly 59R-55.002, Amended 11-13-97. 10-12-98, 2-11-01, 2-20-02, 11-12-02, 7-16-03, .