Notice of Declaratory Statement

Division of Medical Quality Assurance
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Nursing has received the petition for declaratory statement from Sharon Mawby, MSN, RN.The petition seeks the agency's opinion as to the applicability of Section 464.003, F.S., as it applies to the petitioner.
Specifically, the Petitioner requests that the Board issue a Declaratory Statement determining under the provisions of Section 464.003, F.S., whether it is within the scope of practice for a Registered Nurse (1) to draw up and administer intravenous Ketamine (Ketalor) or Etomidate pursuant to a written or verbal order by a physician in the ED setting when the patient is not intubated, (2) to draw up and administer intravenous Ketamine (Ketalor) pursuant to a written or verbal order by a physician in the ED setting when the patient is intubated or (3) to draw up intravenous Ketamine (Ketalor) for a physician to administer. This petition will be considered at the December 2006 meeting of the Board.
A copy of the Petition for Declaratory Statement may be obtained by contacting: Rick Garcia, Executive Director, Board of Nursing, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C07, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3259.
Please refer all comments to: Rick Garcia, Executive Director, Board of Nursing, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C07, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3259.