66B-2.003: Definitions
66B-2.005: Funds Allocation
66B-2.006: Application Process
66B-2.008: Project Eligibility
66B-2.015: Small-Scale Derelict Vessel Removal Projects
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of the proposed rule making is to include the following provisions in the program rule: Define the terms for project maintenance and publicly owned commercial or industrial waterway access; Update and correctly identify the required forms for the grant application process; add additional provisions for land acquisition to project eligibility, and add provisions for flexibility for the small-scale derelict vessel removal program.
The effect of the rule development is to implement changes in the administration of the District’s Waterways Assistance Program that will assist the District and program applicants in the review and evaluation of applications submitted pursuant to the rule.
SUMMARY: Waterways Assistance Program rule sections: Definitions, Funds Allocation, Application Process, Project Eligibility and, Small-Scale Derelict Vessel Removal Projects.
SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED REGULATORY COSTS: No Statement of Estimated Regulatory Cost was prepared.
Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.
LAW IMPLEMENTED: 374.976(1)-(3) FS.
TIME AND DATE: January 9, 2007, 11:00 p.m.
PLACE: The District office, 1314 Marcinski Road, Jupiter, Florida
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Mark Crosley, Assistant Executive Director, Florida Inland Navigation District, 1314 Marcinski Road, Jupiter, Florida 33477, Telephone Number: (561)627-3386
66B-2.003 Definitions.
The basic terms utilized in this rule are defined as follows:
(1) through (19) No change.
(20) PROJECT MAINTENANCE – means any usual action, activity, expense, replacement, adjustment or repair taken to retain a project or grant item in a serviceable, operational or normal condition, or the routine efforts and expenses necessary to restore it to serviceably or normal condition, including the routine recurring work required to keep the project or grant item in such condition that it may be continuously used at its original or designed capacity and efficiency for its intended purpose.
(20) through (24) renumbered (21) through (25) No change.
(26) PUBLICLY OWNED COMMERICAL OR INDUSTRIAL WATERWAY ACCESS – means any publicly owned area specifically designed to be used for staging, launching, or off-loading by commercial or industrial waterway users on a first come, first served, short-term basis, to gain entry to or from the District’s waterways to serve the infrastructure needs of the District’s waterway users.
(25) through (27) renumbered (27) through (29) No change.
Specific Authority 374.976(2) FS. Law Implemented 374.976(1) FS. History–New 12-17-90, Amended 9-2-92, 2-6-97, Formerly 16T-2.003, Amended 5-17-98, 3-21-01, 3-20-03, 3-3-04, 4-21-05, 4-24-06,_________
66B-2.005 Funds Allocation.
(1) through (2) No change.
(3) Pre-agreement Expenses: The project sponsor shall not commence work on an approved project element prior to the execution of the project agreement unless authorized by the Board during the review and funding approval process. Board authorization of pre-agreement expenses will be given for the commencement of work prior to the execution of a project agreement if the Board determines that there is a benefit to the District, its waterways or its constituents. All project costs must be incurred and work performed within the project period as stipulated in the project agreement unless pre-agreement costs are approved by the Board. Pre-agreement expenses will be approved if they are consistent with the provisions of Rule 66B-12.008, F.A.C., and occur within the fiscal year of the grant application submission (October 1st to September 30th). Pre-agreement expenses, except for projects approved by the Board as multi-year projects, will be limited to fifty (50) percent of the project's total cost and if the expenses are eligible project expenses in accordance with this rule. Only one-half (1/2) or less of the approved pre-agreement expenses will be eligible for reimbursement funding from the District, except for projects approved by the Board as multi-year projects. The Board may waive the limitation on pre-agreement expenses for Small-Scale Derelict Vessel grants when the applicant demonstrates a direct need and benefit and the project is in accordance with the applicable provisions of Rule Chapter 66B-2, F.A.C.
(4) through (7) No change.
Specific Authority 374.976(2) FS. Law Implemented 374.976(1), (3) FS. History–New 12-17-90, Amended 6-24-93, 9-5-96, 2-6-97, Formerly 16T-2.005, Amended 5-17-98, 8-26-99, 3-21-01, 7-30-02, 3-3-04, 4-21-05, 4-24-06,_________
66B-2.006 Application Process.
(1) No change.
(2) Application Forms: Florida Inland Navigation District Waterways Assistance Program Project Application FIND Form Number 90-22 (effective date 4-24-06) and 93-22a, Project Information — Navigation Related Districts (effective date 4-24-06) are hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office. With the exception of projects eligible under the Small-Scale Spoil Island Restoration and Enhancement program, and the Small-Scale Derelict Vessel program, all applications for financial assistance and support through this program from member counties and local governments shall be made on Form Number FIND 90-22 and shall include a detailed cost estimate submitted on FIND Form No. 90-25, Florida Inland Navigation District Assistance Program Project Cost Estimate, (effective date 4-24-06), hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office. All applications for financial assistance and support through this program from navigation related districts shall be made on FIND Form Number 93-22 (effective date 4-24-06), hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office, and shall include a detailed cost estimate submitted on FIND Form No. 90-25. In addition, all applicants shall submit a complete and detailed Project Timeline (FIND FORM No. 96-10) (effective date __-__-07).
(3) through (7) No change.
(8) Application Evaluation and Rating Score: Following the presentations, the Board will review the applications and evaluate them using the Waterways Assistance Program Application Evaluation and Rating Worksheets No. 91-25 (a thru f) for Waterways Assistance Program applications, and 93-25 (a, b and c) Waterways Assistance Program Navigation Related Districts applications. The total points awarded to each application by the Commissioners will be averaged to determine an application's final rating score. The final rating score for each application must equal or exceed 35 points for the application to be considered for funding assistance. Reconsideration of any application with a final rating score of less than 35 points will only occur if the majority of the Commissioners evaluating the project rated the project equal to or exceeding 35 points and two-thirds of the Commissioners vote for reconsideration of the application. Only Applicants that are eligible under Rule 66B-2.0061, F.A.C., “Disaster Relief”, shall complete FIND Form No. 91-25F Emergency Re-Construction (effective date 4-24-06).
(9) No change.
Specific Authority 374.976(2) FS. Law Implemented 374.976(1) FS. History–New 12-17-90, Amended 9-2-92, 6-24-93, 4-12-95, Formerly 16T-2.006, Amended 5-25-00, 3-21-01, 7-30-02, 3-20-03, 4-24-06,_________
66B-2.008 Project Eligibility.
(1) Eligible Projects: Financial assistance and support through this program shall be used to plan or carry out public navigation, public recreation, environmental education, boating safety, acquisition and development of spoil sites and publicly owned commercial/industrial waterway access acquisition directly related to the waterways, inlet management, environmental mitigation and beach renourishment.
(a) Program funds may be used for projects such as acquisition, planning, development, construction, reconstruction, extension, improvement, operation or maintenance of the following types of projects for public use on land and water. These project types will be arranged into a priority list each year by vote of the Board. The priority list will be distributed to applicants with the project application.
1. Public navigation channel dredging;
2. Public navigation aids and markers;
3. Inlet management projects that are a benefit to public navigation in the District;
4. Public shoreline stabilization;
5. Acquisition and development of publicly owned Public spoil disposal site and public commercial/industrial waterway access development;
6. Waterway signs and buoys for safety, regulation or information;
7. Acquisition and development of public boat ramps and launching facilities and land acquisition for additional trailer parking at an existing boat ramp;
8. Acquisition and development of public boat docking and mooring facilities;
9. Derelict Vessel Removal;
10. Waterways related environmental education programs and facilities;
11. Public fishing and viewing piers;
12. Public waterfront boardwalks;
13. Waterways boating safety programs and equipment;
15. Other waterway related projects.
(b) through (d) No change.
(2) through (5) No change.
Specific Authority 374.976(2) FS. Law Implemented 374.976(1)-(3) FS. History–New 12-17-90, Amended 9-2-92, 6-24-93, 2-3-94, 4-12-95, 9-5-96, 2-6-97, Formerly 16T-2.008, Amended 5-17-98, 3-31-99, 5-25-00, 3-21-01, 7-30-02, 3-20-03, 3-3-04, 4-24-06,_________
66B-2.015 Small-Scale Derelict Vessel Removal Projects.
Proposals shall be accepted for financial assistance for the removal of derelict vessels within the District's waterways. The applicable provisions of this rule apply to these applications with the following additions or exceptions:
(1) Application Procedure — Applications shall be submitted on a completed FIND Form No. 05-01 (Small-Scale Derelict Vessel Removal Program) (effective date 4-24-06), and FIND Form No. 01-06 (Small-Scale Derelict Vessel Removal Program – Project Cost Estimate), (effective date 4-24-06), hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office. Applications may be submitted to the District and considered by the Board at any time during the year.
(2) The District shall only fund applicants that have identified derelict vessels to be removed and have a current an outstanding bid for removal for such vessels, or have completed the removal of such vessels within the 6 months preceding the application, subject to eligibility under these program rules.
(3) The program must be sponsored by an eligible government agency or not-for-profit organization.
(4) District funding shall be limited to $10,000.00 per county, per year, provided on a reimbursement basis only. The limitation on pre-agreement expenses may be waived by the Board in accordance with subsection 66B-2.005(3), F.A.C.
(5) The eligible applicant must provide the remaining matching funds for project completion. In no case shall the District's cost-share contribution exceed 50% of the total project costs. In-house project management or administration costs are not eligible costs or matching costs.
(6) The derelict vessel must be located in, or immediately adjacent to, the
(7) The District shall be recognized when possible in all written, audio or video advertising and promotions as a participating sponsor of the program.
(8) The funding provided by the District shall only be allocated for removal of derelict vessels. The District is providing program reimbursement funds only and shall be held harmless with regards to the activities initiated by the applicant.
(9) The applicant shall be responsible for all maintenance, management, disposal and operating expenses associated with the program.
(10) Funds derived from the sale of any derelict vessels or vessel parts removed through this grant program must be reinvested into the applicant's derelict vessel removal program.
(11) The District Board shall make all final decisions concerning the provision of funding for this program.
Specific Authority 374.976(2) FS. Law Implemented 374.976(1) FS. History–New 4-24-06, Amended_________.