REQUEST FOR Bids 06/07-023 LM
The Suwannee River Water Management District (District) is requesting bids for the chemical control of hardwood stump sprouts/stems and bahia grass on sandhill restorations sites. Four tracts in the
Most treatment areas will require backpack or ATV mounted spray equipment. Some treatment areas will require a broadcast application and may be treated with skidder or tractor mounted equipment. BIDDER must possess a current FDACS Commercial Applicator License.
The proposed schedule for this project is shown below:
February 12, 2007 Release of Request for Bids
March 9, 2007 Request for Bids due prior to 10:00 a.m. at District Headquarters in Live Oak. Opening will occur at this time.*
April 10, 2007 Governing Board authorization of contract.*
May 15, 2007 Anticipated start date.
* Denotes a public meeting.
Additional information and bid packages may be obtained by logging on to