The Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for the Children and Family Services has published guidance to state agencies regarding caseload reduction credit information. The caseload reduction credit is an adjustment to the State’s minimum Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) participation rate requirement.
Submission of the caseload reduction credit requires the State to provide opportunity for public comment on the estimates and methodology used to complete the estimates.
In submitting the data for federal fiscal year 2006, as the FFY 2006 report,
1. We are publishing the FFY 2006 report. This information will be available on the DCF website at Copies will also be available at the business address listed at the end of this notice.
2. Since we are using methodologies in FFY 2006 that are similar to the methodologies used in FFY 2005, we are requesting input on these methodologies. We will consider comments received in completing the FFY 2006 report and will file amended reports if necessary.
3. We will mail or transmit electronically the FFY 2006 report to anyone submitting comments. We will also publish these reports upon submission.
4. We will forward any comments received to the federal agency.
Comments should be submitted to:
Jennifer Lange, Director
Department of Children and Family Services
Building 3, Room 467
Telephone: (850)921-0253