Notice of Bid/Request for Proposal





The Northwest Florida Transportation Corridor Authority (the “Authority”), under the provisions of Section 287.055, Florida Statutes (the Consultant’s Competitive Negotiation Act), hereby gives notice that a Request for Qualifications for professional services is invited from qualified firms with extensive experience in the development, design, estimation of construction costs, financing, supervision, administration and program management of public transportation projects. Only firms with extensive experience with public transportation projects in Florida, with emphasis upon federally funded transportation projects undertaken by the Florida Department of Transportation, special transportation districts, local governments or transportation authorities should apply.

Interested firms or individuals are invited to obtain a copy of the complete Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from the office of the Chairman, Randall McElheney, Northwest Florida Transportation Corridor Authority, 132 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, Florida 32401, (850)215-9428, during regular business hours, and are requested to indicate their interest in providing the requested services by submitting twelve (12) copies of their Statement of Qualifications on or before 5:00 p.m. central time, Monday, June 5, 2006, to Mr. McElheney, at the same address. The qualifications and other information should be submitted in strict compliance with the directives provided in the RFQ. There is no express or implied obligations for the Authority to reimburse responding firms for any expenses associated with preparation and submittal of the Statement of Qualifications in response to this request.

The Statement of Qualifications will be reviewed for conformance to the instructions set forth in the Request for Qualifications. A short list of the highest ranked firms will be established based on the selection criteria set forth in the RFQ. After the short list is established, the Selection Committee may, at its option, conduct formal interviews with the short listed firms. The highest ranked firm will be requested to enter into contract negotiations after final ranking by the Authority. If an agreement cannot be reached between the Authority and the highest ranked firm, negotiations will cease and discussions will begin with the next highest ranked firm.

The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Statements of Qualifications in whole or in part, to waive informalities in the RFQ documents, to obtain new Statements of Qualifications, or to postpone the opening of Statements of Qualifications pursuant to Authority policies. Each Statement of Qualifications shall be valid to the Authority for a period of ninety (90) days after opening.

The Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Randall McElheney,
