

The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice has posted a draft of the 2006 Health Care Manual for review and comment at: http://www.djj.state.fl.us/policies_procedures/manualreview.ht ml (note this is a new web page).

The 2006 Health Care Manual, is a document that addresses the comprehensive physical health care of youth who are in the custody of a detention center and/or residential commitment program. Due to the unique nature of health care, the manual has been written to address the various health care needs of these youth in accordance with national standards, as well as the requirements of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. The goal is that youth in the care and custody of the Department will receive a continuum of services that reflect the complex needs of this population. A second goal is that health care providers, direct care staff and management at all levels will understand that the health care provided to these youth must be in accordance with current clinical guidelines and at a level commensurate with the services they would receive in the community. The manual is being posted for a single 20 working day review and comment period. The closure date for submission of comments on the manual is June 29, 2006. Comments should be sent to the person identified on the above Website utilizing the Matrix of Comments.