The Pinellas County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in conjunction with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) request that qualified consultants submit Proposals for consideration in the competitive selection of professional transportation planning services on the following project:
The MPO requires the services of one or more Consultants to provide production support to the MPO transportation planning activities set forth in the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The length of contract is three (3) years. The work involves providing assistance to the MPO staff on a work assignment basis in a variety of technical, graphical, public involvement and product review activities. The Consultant(s) shall assist the MPO staff by providing additional resources to accomplish assignments authorized by the MPO. The Scope of Services outlines tasks that may be assigned to Consultant(s) under one or more general planning Consultant contracts. Consideration will be given to only those firms that have been prequalified by the FDOT to perform the indicated MAJOR Type(s) of Work.
MAJOR TYPE OF WORK: 13.3 Policy Planning
13.4 Systems Planning
13.5 Subarea/Corridor Planning
13.6 Land Planning/Engineering
13.7 Transportation Statistics
A. Public Participation (UPWP Task 2.1): Consultants will assist the MPO with public out reach activities. Work may include organizing and facilitating public workshops and meetings, identifying potential shareholders, production of professional quality graphics, displays, publications and PowerPoint presentations, website development and design and implementation of surveys and analysis of results. Consultants will comply with SAFETEA-LU requirements by incorporating visualization techniques into their work products.
B. Land Use and Socioeconomic Data Activities (UPWP Task 3.1): Work related to this task includes the monitoring of transportation-related socioeconomic, school enrollment and land use data variables on a continual basis to support the update and amendments to the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan and local governments’ comprehensive plans so that the Tampa Bay Regional Demand Model and other models developed for specific projects can project future travel demand conditions in the most accurate manner possible. Consultant resources may be utilized in soliciting and collecting data items through various sources; developing zonal data for the MPO’s Long-Range Transportation Plan regional model validation; assisting FDOT in the development of a dynamic land use allocation model to be used with in socioeconomic data development; and continuing to facilitate involvement of the Pinellas County School Board and Pinellas County Economic Development staff as well as municipal representatives in developing the aforementioned data.
C. Transportation System Surveillance and Database Management (UPWP TASK 3.2): Work activity anticipated in this task includes all of the data collection, transportation system monitoring and transportation database management activities needed to support the MPO Program. Consultant resources may be used to assist the MPO in all aspects of its system monitoring activities including its ongoing efforts to refine socioeconomic data such as future employment, school enrollment, and seasonal population data. Consultant tasks may also include data collection to assess the performance and operations of the transportation facilities and services, such as traffic counts, accident data, vehicle occupancy data, trail usage surveys, and other related activities. The General Planning Consultant may be utilized to assist with some of the related tasks such as the completion of the Congestion Management Process, Safety and Strategic Highway Safety Plan and annual Level of Service Reports.
D. Financial Resource and Legislative Management (UPWP TASK 3.3): Work activity anticipated in this task includes the identification and evaluation of existing transportation funding sources to ensure availability of funds necessary for the development and implementation of both long and short-range transportation programs. Additional tasks will include, but are not limited to: Analysis of legislative proposals; periodic reports to the MPO; developing position statements; and communications with state and federal legislators and regulatory officials.
E. Congestion Management Process (UPWP TASK 4.1): MPOs are required to develop and implement a Congestion Management Process (CMP) under both federal and state rules. Consultants may be used to assist the MPO with the implementation of the federal and state mandated CMP including the development of strategy plans for congested roadways/sub-areas, State of the System Report updates; review, evaluation, and refinement of performance measures; continuing monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of implemented strategies; assistance with the Regional CMP activities; and integration of congestion and concurrency management strategies through provision of technical support to local governments.
F. Miscellaneous Technical Studies (UPWP TASK 4.2): The activities associated with this task are included in the MPO’s Unified Planning Work Program as studies that are prompted on short notice as the result of a special need identified during the course of carrying out the metropolitan planning program. Illustrative tasks may include special trip generation studies, technical support to other transportation agencies, review and analysis of other planning studies, etc.
G. Transit Operations Planning (UPWP TASK 4.3): Consultants may be used to assist the MPO and the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority with transit operations planning activities including an update to the Five Year Transit Development Plan for the PSTA, assistance with transit corridor planning studies, development of service plans for new transit corridors and under performing routes, route analysis, assistance with promotional and public involvement activities, and implementation of transit-friendly design standards. Consultants may also be utilized to provide services to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District 7 Public Transportation Office and regional transit planning authorities in their efforts to develop and update public transportation programs and plans for
H. Transportation Disadvantaged Planning (UPWP TASK 4.4): Consultant tasks may include evaluating services to the transportation disadvantaged population to ensure adequacy of service and compliance with applicable federal and state policies. Tasks may include update of the TD Program Service Plan and Human Services Plan, evaluating and implementing, where feasible, strategies to provide more cost-effective transportation services to the TD Program customers, including Medicaid consumers. Work may also include statistical ridership evaluation and overall effectiveness of the Job Access Reverse Commute and New Freedom programs.
I. Pinellas Mobility Initiative Planning (UPWP TASK 4.5): Consultants may be used for premium transit planning activities associated with Federal Transit Administration Small Starts and New Starts initiatives or with Pinellas Mobility Initiative Steering Committee activities. Premium transit may include Bus Rapid Transit and fixed guideway technologies. Tasks may include ridership forecasting, route and station planning, feasibility studies, technology analysis, capital resource assessment, operations and maintenance planning, etc.
J. Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Program (UPWP TASK 4.6): Consultant tasks may include planning efforts relative to trails, inter/intra-county transportation activities, bike amenities, cross streets, sidewalk and pedestrian improvements, and enhanced bicycle amenities and implementation of MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Consultant tasks may also include planning and implementation of education, safety and awareness strategies for bicyclist, pedestrians and motorists. Usage studies for off-road facilities may be conducted.
K. Management and Operations Planning (UPWP TASK 4.7): Consultant tasks may include work associated with the Advanced Transportation Management System (ATMS) plan for
L. Transportation Demand Management Planning (UPWP TASK 4.8): Consultant tasks may include assisting the MPO in the implementation and integration of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs and strategies to discourage the use of single-occupant vehicle trips, encourage transportation alternatives (e.g., car pooling, riding the bus, telecommuting, bicycling, and walking), reducing congestion and improve air quality in
M. Local Government Comprehensive Plan Coordination, Technical Assistance and Livable Communities Planning (UPWP TASK 4.9): This task includes activities associated with the MPO’s technical support to the local governments in the development and implementation of local comprehensive plans, concurrency management systems, livable communities initiatives, etc. Consultant tasks may include the provision of data and technical support to local governments in carrying out their comprehensive planning responsibilities for transportation and other related elements. The consultant may also provide assistance, as requested, to local governments in the development of transportation concurrency strategies, the local proportionate fair share ordinance provisions, Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP), review of traffic impact studies, and implementation of multi-jurisdictional concurrency management system applications and livable community land development standards.
N. Transportation Improvement Program Development and Maintenance (UPWP Task 5.1): This task involves the development of a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) document that meets federal and state metropolitan planning requirements used in identifying federal, state, and locally funded transportation projects consistent with the MPO Long Range Transportation Plan and ensuring that modifications and/or amendments to the adopted TIP will be coordinated with local Comprehensive Plans. Assist with TIP visualization.
O. Regional Planning (UPWP Tasks 7.1 and 7.2): This task involves activities associated with regional transportation planning including work on the update or amendment of the West Central Florida regional long range transportation plan, transit plan, multi-use trail element, public participation plan, congestion management process, etc. The consultant may need to coordinate with staff from regional planning and transit agencies,
RESPONSE EVALUATION: All respondents will be evaluated in accordance with Section 287.055(4), F.S., and must be determined by the MPO and the FDOT as qualified to do business in
Lobbying of MPO employees and elected officials regarding this RFP by any member of a Proposer’s staff, or those people who are members of, or employed by, any legal entity affiliated with an organization that is responding to the RFP is strictly prohibited. Such actions may cause your proposal, or the proposal you are supporting, to be rejected.
NOTIFICATION OF CRIME CONVICTION: Each applicant shall notify the FDOT within 30 days after a conviction of a contract crime applicable to it or any officers, directors, executive, shareholders active in management, employees, or agents of its affiliates. Under Section 337.164, F.S., the privilege of conducting business with the FDOT shall be denied to applicants so convicted until such applicant is properly reinstated pursuant to Section 337.165, F.S., and Chapter 14-75, F.A.C.
FEDERAL DEBARMENT: By signing and submitting a Letter of Response, the consultant certifies that no principal (which includes officers, directors, or executives) is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation on this transaction by any federal department or agency.
The MPO does not discriminate on any basis, as required by 49 USC 5332 (which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex or age in employment or business opportunity), Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended 42 USC 2000d to 2000d-4, and Title 49 CFR, Part 21. The MPO ensures, in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26, that certified FDOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) participants have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in FDOT assisted contracts. More information on the MPO’s DBE Program may be found at
TO RESPOND: Firms, qualified to conduct business in the State of Florida, are asked to submit five copies of the Proposal to the MPO office and two copies to the FDOT office by 4:30 p.m. (EST), Friday, June 22, 2007. The outside of the envelope containing the Proposal must be marked “PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE GENERAL PLANNING CONSULTANT SERVICES TO THE PINELLAS COUNTY MPO”. The MPO will accept no responsibility for proposals not so marked. Proposals are to remain in effect for 90 calendar days from the date of submission. The MPO reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.
Requests for clarification of the requirements or inquiries about information contained in the RFP package must be submitted to Linda Boykin at by 4:30 p.m. (EST), June 14, 2007. Responses to all questions will be posted at one time by 4:30 p.m., June 15, 2007, on the MPO GPC RFP webpage at
The complete Request for Proposals (RFP) packet can be obtained from the MPO website, or from the address listed below.
Mail five copies to the MPO:
Linda Boykin
Phone: (727)464-8200
Mail two copies to FDOT:
The Florida Department of Transportation
Attn: Rebecca Schwarz, MS 7-700
Consultant Contract Administrator
SELECTION PROCESS: Selection Process: From the received Proposals, a Selection Committee consisting of MPO and FDOT staff shall shortlist a minimum of three firms. Shortlisted firms will be notified by e-mail by 4:30 p.m., July 13, 2007. The selection committee reserves the right to ask for oral presentations from shortlisted firms. Firms will be ranked based upon their understanding of requested services, project approach, technical strength, unique concepts, experience, quality control methods and DBE status. The committee will present their selection, consisting of a minimum of three firms, to the MPO Board for their approval at September 12, 2007, meeting.
SCHEDULE: The proposed schedule for this RFP is as follows:
RFP issued June 1
Questions/Clarifications received by 4:30 p.m. June 14
Response to questions posted June 15
RFP Proposals due to MPO by 4:30 p.m. June 22
Selection Committee meets to shortlist RFPs July 12 tentative
Shortlisted firms notified by email July 13 tentative
Section Committee meets, presentations
may be asked for August 16 tentative
Recommendation submitted to MPO Board September 12
Contract Executed and Notice to Proceed October 10
The MPO reserves the right to change the above schedule as necessary. Any changes will be posted on the RFP website.