Request for Qualifications
Remediation Project Manager
Advertisement Number: RFQ-06-01
Version Number:
Advertisement Begin Date/Time: 6/16/2006 – 8:00 a.m.
The State of Florida, Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, requests submission of qualifications to provide engineering and technical assistance in the area of dry cleaning solvent remediation.
ORIGINAL POSTING DATE/TIME: Friday, June 16, 2006, 8:00 a.m.
RFQ DUE DATE/TIME: Monday, July 17, 2006, by 2:00 p.m.
RFQ QUESTIONS DUE DATE: All questions concerning the RFQ shall be directed to John Connor, Purchasing Director, FSDB, via facsimile (904)827-2357, or via e-mail at no later than seven (7) calendar days after the RFQ original posting date.
All correspondence shall reference the RFQ number. Answers to written submitted questions will be posted on the web site – fourteen (14) calendar days after the RFQ original posting date. No verbal questions are permitted concerning the RFQ.
SHORTLIST DATE: Tuesday, July 25, 2006
PRESENTATION DATE: Tuesday, August 1, 2006
POSTING LOCATION: myflorida web site
PROJECT DEION: To provide engineering and technical assistance to the
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS: Provide engineering and technical assistance to FSDB in the area of dry cleaning solvent remediation. Specifically:
1. Provide interaction with regulatory agency with regard to remediation program.
2. Develop, in coordination with regulatory agency, a remediation plan.
3. Provide assistance to FSDB in obtaining low cost groundwater sampling contract.
4. Provide over-site of each groundwater sampling effort.
5. Review and provide interpretation of analytical data from the groundwater sampling to FSDB.
6. May subcontract the location of dense non-aqueous liquid and treatment strategy.
7. May subcontract for technical remediation strategy development, but subcontractor cannot be related to sampling contractor.
8. Provide recommendation to FSDB for remediation alternatives.
9. Review and manage costs of remediation program.
REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENT: The RFQ submittal, at the very minimum, shall contain the following response items:
1. Firm’s history and disclosure of ownership.
2. Resumes of staff expected to carry out necessary work.
3. Deion of similar projects completed for other public and private entities.
4. Specific listing of staff assigned to work items and their availability.
5. List of references.
6. Standard billing rate.
SELECTION CRITERIA OF PROJECT MANAGER: Selection criteria will be evaluated using the following criteria (total possible 100%)
Point Scoring Schedule
Experience: 35%
Verifiable demonstration of experience with management of similar project.
Coordination: 20%
Evidence of ability to provide coordination with client, regulatory agency and technical services organization.
Communication: 10%
Demonstrate ability to communicate highly technical ideas at an understandable level.
Qualifications and Experience of Project Manager: 10%
Present qualifications and experience of project manager, as well as projected workload and availability.
Schedule and Budget Responsiveness: 15%
Demonstrated ability to complete previous projects, to meet critical deadlines, and remain with budget estimates.
Quality Control and Assurance: 10%
Evidence of quality management policies, particularly assurance that projects are compliant with State of
NOTE: FSDB reserves the right to revise this posting and will post future revisions at the official posting site listed above. It is the respondent’s responsibility to remain abreast of any new postings. FSDB is not responsible for incorrect data placed by specialty advertising firms. FSDB reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or accept minor irregularities in the best interest of the State. FSDB is not liable for cost incurred in preparing, submitting and supporting bids or proposals or any costs incurred prior to the date of contract execution. FSDB will pay only those costs agreed upon in the executed contract. Responses received after the scheduled receipt time shall be marked “LATE” and returned unopened to the interested respondent. All information received will be maintained with the project file and will not be returned. Records and meetings are subject to the Government-in-the-Sunshine laws. A selection committee shall select no less than three (3) respondents deemed most highly qualified to perform the required services, in accordance with Chapter 60D-5, Florida Administrative Code.
INSTRUCTIONS: Respondents to this RFQ are to submit one (1) original and four (4) copies of a Statement of Qualifications (SQ) as specified herein to the following individual:
John Connor, Purchasing Director
Stores and Receiving, Building #28
Original SQ must contain an original signature of the submitter.
The respondent must be available, if requested, for clarifications, which may be in person in
The contents of the RFQ and SQ of the successful Remediation Project Manager will become part of the contractual obligations.
Members of the selection committee will not be available to discuss selection issues.
Follow all instructions, i.e. RFQ # on outside of envelope, required information, up-to-date reference contacts, etc. Failure to do so may result in the proposal being rejected or a deduction in scoring points. This is the complete RFQ package. There are no plans or specifications associated with this RFQ. This is a qualifications based RFQ.