The Department of Community Affairs is providing you with notification of its intent to open the State Fiscal Year 2006-2007 cycle for competitive awards from the Residential Construction Mitigation Program. Funding for SFY is 2006-2007 is $3.4 million.
The RCMP provides competitive grants to state or regional agencies, local governments, and private non-profit/for profit (by RFP process) organizations to implement projects that will further the RCMP program objective of enhancing residential wind mitigation. Eligible applicants may submit multiple applications, however, no single application shall seek or receive an award in excess of $200,000 per state fiscal year. All eligible applicants, with the exception of counties and state agencies shall be limited to no more than three (3) application submissions in an application cycle.
The Department encourages all interested and eligible parties with projects that will enhance wind mitigation capabilities within the State of
Applications are accepted in the following six categories:
1. Projects that will promote public education on wind mitigation and wind mitigation areas.
2. Projects that encourage and/or increase integration of wind mitigation into comprehensive planning and local mitigation plans.
3. Projects that will promote market based, non-regulatory approaches to mitigation, including, but not limited to, training in regard to wind mitigation (construction) techniques, products and procedures.
4. Assistance to low and moderate income residents which promotes wind mitigation.
5. Projects which enhance program administration and identification, measurement and attainment of project goals.
6. Other projects that will further wind mitigation/RCMP objectives which have been designated by the Program as priorities as detailed in this Notice of Fund Availability/RFP. Priority points will be awarded only for projects that address the following priority areas.
Priority Areas:
A. Projects which implement wind mitigation in the State/Local Mitigation Strategy and are clearly identified as projects which can be initiated and completed within the grant contract period. The applicant must provide a copy of the Local Mitigation Strategy priority initiative list reflecting inclusion of their project(s).
B. Projects which will provide for product testing, measurement or enhancements which will improve wind mitigation in residential structures.
C. Projects that will address effectiveness of wind mitigation programs and projects.
D. Projects which promote residential wind mitigation through the code, trade or construction industries, including related or affiliated programs and organizations.
Applications addressing the above (A through D) priorities must be submitted under Project Category #6, “Other projects that will further wind mitigation/RCMP objectives which have been designated by the RCMP program as priorities in this Notice of Fund Availability”.
TO DOWNLOAD CHAPTER 215.559, FLORIDA STATUTES APPLICATION PACKET AND related information please visit our website at http://www.florida
Applications must be prepared in conformance with the application packet instructions. Applications must be received at the following address by July 17, 2006, no later than 4:00 p.m., local time:
Department of Community Affairs
Division of Emergency Management
Attention: RCMP