Notice of Funding Availability
The Department of Community Affairs, Division of Emergency Management is pleased to announce the availability of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds as a result of the recent Presidential Disaster Declarations (FEMA-1609-DR-FL). The HMGP is authorized by Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act and is designed to assist communities in implementing mitigation measures designed to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from natural hazards and their effects. DEM is soliciting applications and encourage all eligible applicants to identify and submit applications that address eligible mitigation activities that are designed to reduce your community’s overall risk to hazards. The amount of funding available to the state is based on 7.5% of the total federal disaster assistance for these events. The application period will close September 15, 2006. Therefore, all applications must be postmarked by September 15, 2006. The Department encourages and welcomes the submittal of complete applications at anytime during this cycle.
Application Timeline
Applications are currently being accepted. The deadline for the submission of applications is September 15, 2006 (postmarked). Applications will only be accepted from eligible applicants as defined in the Minimum Program Eligibility section of this notice. Please provide four completed copies of the State of
Alternatively, you may contact the DEM directly at (850)413-9884. In order to be considered, completed applications must be sent to the following address:
Florida Department of Community Affairs
Division of Emergency Management
Mitigation Section
ATTN: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
Minimum Program Eligibility
Eligible Applicants: are local governments, state agencies, federally recognized Indian Tribal governments and private non-profit organizations and institutions.
Eligible Activities: include mitigation projects that will result in protection of public or private property from natural hazards. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:
• Acquisition of hazard prone properties
• Retrofitting of existing buildings and facilities
• Elevation of flood prone structures
• Infrastructure protection measures
• Storm water management improvements
• Minor structural flood control projects
• Relocation of structures from hazard prone areas
• Retrofitting of existing buildings and facilities for shelters
The state will not consider funding request for:
• Generators: Unless they are an integral part of a larger eligible project
• Construction of new facilities: However, the cost associated with above code upgrades can be
• Equipment such as emergency pumps, vehicles and communication devices.
• Tree removal.
• Projects already in progress. (Construction may not begin until the project has met requirements of
the National Environmental Policy Act. In addition, the contract between the State and subgrantee
must be executed.)
All projects submitted must meet the following minimum criteria to be considered for funding:
• Conform with the State Mitigation Plan and the respective community’s Local Mitigation Strategy;
• Demonstrate cost-effectiveness;
• Is technically feasible;
• Provide a beneficial impact upon the designated disaster area;
• Conform to all applicable environmental laws, and regulations and executive orders;
• Solve a problem independently or constitutes a functional part of a solution;
• Is in an NFIP participating community that is not on probation or have been suspended from NFIP;
• Meet all applicable state and local codes and standards.
Cost-Share Requirements
Under the HMGP, FEMA will contribute up to 75 percent (75%) of the total amount approved under the grant award to implement eligible cost-effective mitigation measures. The applicant must provide the remaining 25 percent (25%) non-federal share. All contributions, cash or in-kind services, are acceptable as part of the non-federal share. Requirements for in-kind contributions can be found in 44 Code Federal Regulations, Section 13.24. In-kind contributions must be directly related to the eligible project cost. In-kind resources are those personnel, materials, equipment and supplies owned, controlled and operated by the applicant or a third party contributor. Applicants are encouraged to link HMGP funds with other state, local and private sources.
Pre-Award Costs
Prior to receiving a grant award, pre-award costs may be requested. Pre-award costs include items such as engineering, environmental study, permitting and other “soft” costs associated with a construction project. Construction activities are not considered pre-award costs. Pre-award costs must be requested in writing.
Technical Assistance
DEM is in the process of scheduling HMGP application development workshops. The dates, times, locations and a short overview of the workshops will be posted on the DEM website DEM will provide technical assistance throughout the application process. DEM will be available to assist with the application process, Benefit Cost Analysis, Engineering Feasibility and Environmental/Historical Preservation Compliance. If there are any questions regarding the allocation of funds or the project review and selection criteria, please call Bureau staff at one of the following numbers:
(850)922-5269 (Grants/Projects Review Office)
(850)413-9884 (Mitigation Planning Office)
(850)922-5332 (Engineering and Technical Feasibility)