The Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, Bureau of Design and Construction is soliciting formal competitive bids for the project listed below:
PROJECT NAME: Letchworth – Love Mounds Archaeological State Park – Park Development
SCOPE OF WORK: The contractor shall provide the necessary labor, supervision, equipment and materials required to satisfactorily complete the proposed day-use area. The project will include construction of a 30 car parking lot, roadway improvements, construction of a four fixture restroom with septic tank and drainfield and installation of a well with a water treatment system. The contractor will also be responsible for acquiring all applicable permits and coordination connection of all needed utilities.
PARK LOCATION: Letchworth-Love Mounds, 15 miles east of
PROJECT MANAGER: Patty Vickers, Telephone Number: (850)488-5372, Fax Number: (850)488-1141.
MINORITY BUSINESS REQUIREMENT: The Department of Environmental Protection supports diversity in its Procurement Program and requests that all sub-contracting opportunities afforded by this bid embrace diversity enthusiastically. The award of sub-contracts should reflect the full diversity of the citizens of the State of
PREQUALIFICATION: When the total bid price including alternates exceeds $200,000.00, each bidder whose field is governed by Chapter 399, 489, and 633 of the Florida Statutes for licensure or certification must submit prequalification data of their eligibility prior to the bid closing date.
INSTRUCTIONS: Any firm desiring plans and bid specifications for this project may obtain a copy by writing the address or calling the telephone number below. Plans and specifications will be available on Friday, September 28, 2007 at: Letchworth-Love Mounds c/o St. Marks administration, 1022 Desoto Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301, Attention: Barry Birch, Park Manager, Telephone Number: (850)922-6007.
BID SUBMITTAL DUE DATE: No later than 3:30 (EDST) p.m., Tuesday, October 23, 2007, to the below address: Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Design and Construction, 3540 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32309. For questions concerning the ad or bidding procedures, contact Michael Renard, Construction Projects Administrator 2, Bureau of Design and Construction. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids.