USPFO Admin Bldg III #20187
A complete copy of this solicitation MUST be downloaded from the, MyFloridaMarketPlace, Vendor Bid System (VBS) at www.main_menu.
PROJECT NO: 205187
FOR (PROJECT DESCRIPTION): Provide Construction Services for the new construction of an 1,800 square foot Administration Building for the Florida Department of Military Affairs. Construction of the new building consists of wood frame floor, walls and pre-engineered wood roof trusses. The entire building will be raised on concrete masonry foundation on reinforced concrete pads on compact grade. Finished exterior walls consist of painted Hardi-Plank ship lap horizontal siding and trim. Roof covering consists of asphalt shingles. The interior construction consists of paint finished wood frame and gypsum board partitions, suspended acoustical ceiling grid/tile, carpet flooring, tiled restroom and solid core wood doors.
PREQUALIFICATION: Each bidder whose field is governed by Chapters 399, 455, 489 and 633 of the Florida Statutes for licensure or certification must submit prequalification data of their eligibility with their bid or prior to the bid opening. After the bid opening, the low bidder must qualify in accordance with Rule 60D-5.004, F.A.C. A copy of the requirements is included in the Non-Technical Specifications Level IV/V, Instructions to Bidders under Section B-2 “Bidder Qualification Requirements and Procedures”. Note: A completed experience questionnaire and financial statement form number DBC 5085 (Exhibit 3) must be submitted with bid.
BID SECURITY: Bids/Proposals in total excess of $100,000.00, the bidder must provide with bid, a good faith deposit in the amount of 5% of the bid by way of a bid bond from a surety insurer authorized to do business in the STATE OF
PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND’S are required from any persons or parties entering into a formal contract with the STATE OF
INFORMATION WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE BY TELEPHONE. All information received through any oral communication shall not be binding on the Department of Military Affairs and shall not be relied upon by an offerer.
Pursuant to Section 287.057(26), Florida Statutes, Respondents to this solicitation or persons acting on their behalf may not contact, between the release of the solicitation and the end of the 72-hour period following the agency posting the notice of intended award, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays, any employee or officer of the executive or legislative branch concerning any aspect of this solicitation, except in writing to the procurement officer or as provided in the solicitation documents. Violation of this provision may be grounds for rejecting a response.
Any questions from proposers concerning this solicitation shall be submitted in writing, identifying the submitter, to the Architectural-Engineering Firm listed below, Attention: Brent Sauser, by email at or by facsimile at (407)622-2051. No questions will be accepted later than December 12, 2007, 4:00 p.m. (7 days before bid opening date). E-mail inquiries are preferred; however, a hard copy or facsimile is acceptable.
All questions and answers/changes to the solicitation will be provided in writing by addenda via e-mail or fax to each registered plan holder that attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting and will be posted on the DMS Vendor Bid System (VBS). It is the prospective contractor’s responsibility to check periodically for any information updates to the solicitation which is posted to the VBS. The Department of Military Affairs bears no responsibility for any delays, or resulting impacts, associated with a prospective contractor’s failure to obtain information made available through the DMS Vendor Bid System.
DATE AND TIME: November 28, 2007, 2:00 p.m. local time
PLACE: USPFO Conference Room,
All interested parties should call Mrs. Bobbie Smith at (904)823-0256 to be placed on the access list by COB 26 Nov 07. All General Contractors interested in bidding on this project are required to attend this pre-bid meeting.
Sealed bids will be received, publicly opened and read aloud on: (BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO BID OPENING NO LATE BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED):
DATE AND TIME: December 20, 2007, 2:00 p.m. local time
PLACE: Robert F. Ensslin National Guard Armory,
MARK ENVELOPES: ATTN: SEALED BIDS for: Project No. 205187,
BID/PROPOSAL: All responses must be submitted in a sealed package and shall be clearly marked on the outside of package with the above information. Department of Military Affairs is not responsible for the opening of any solicitation package which is not properly marked. It is the respondent’s responsibility to assure its response is submitted to the place and time indicated in this solicitation. Also, all responses must be in full accordance with the requirements of the Drawings, Specifications, Bidding Conditions and Contractual Conditions, and Non-Technical Specifications, which have been prepared by the Engineer as listed, and may be obtained as follows:
ARCHITECT‑ENGINEER: Hanson Professional Services Inc. – Mr. Brent Sauser
TELEPHONE: (407)622-2050; Fax: (407)622-2051
Drawings will not be released by the printer without the approval of the ARCHITECT-ENGINEER, who shall maintain the official bidders list.
Any bidder who submits a request for pre-qualification and fails to qualify will receive a full refund if the set(s) are promptly returned in good condition.
To obtain the BID DOCUMENTS, please contact the Archive Department at:
Phone: (407)647-3034
FAX: (407)645-1462
Probable cost for BID DOCUMENTS: $30.00 for full size set of 30 x 42 construction drawings, and $50.00 for non-technical and technical specifications plus taxes, shipping and handling.
CONTRACT AWARD: The lowest bid will be the bid from the responsive bidder that has submitted the lowest price for the base bid or base bid plus the additive alternates or less the deductive alternates chosen by the Agency to be included in or excluded from the proposed contract, taken in numerical order listed in the bid documents. The order of the alternates may be selected by the Agency in any sequence so long as such acceptance out of order does not alter the designation of the low bidder. The official Notice of Award Recommendation will be by electronic posting on the Department's website at Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. If no protest is filed, the contract will be awarded to the qualified, responsible and responsive low bidder in accordance with Chapter 60D-5, F.A.C., by the Owner.
The Non-Technical Specifications Level IV & V are considered to be applicable to this solicitation and award of contract when made and are made a part hereof.
The State of
Prior to entering into a contract with the State of
The State of