Changes have been made to subsections (1) and (6) of the rule as proposed. The remaining proposed amendments to subsections (2) through (5) and (7) through (34) have not been changed. Subsections (1) and (6) of Rule 68A-15.065 will read as follows:
68A-15.065 Specific Regulations for Wildlife Management Areas – Northeast Region.
(1) Bull Creek Wildlife Management Area.
(a) Open season:
1. General gun – November 8 10 through January 4 6.
2. Small game – January 5 7 through March 1 2.
3. Spring turkey – March 21 15 through April 26 20.
4. Archery – September 20 22 through October 19 21. An archery/muzzleloading gun A special quota permit will be required for the September 20-21 22-23 hunt.
5. Muzzleloading gun – October 24-26 26-28.
6. No change.
(b) Legal to take: All legal game, wild hogs, fish, frogs and furbearers (except bobcat and otter). Any deer except spotted fawns may be taken during the archery season. During the muzzleloading gun and general gun seasons, antlerless deer may be taken by permit only. Taking of antlered deer not having at least one antler with three or more points, one inch or more in length, is prohibited. Taking wild hog is prohibited during small game season. There shall be no bag or size limit restrictions on wild hogs.
(c) Camping: Allowed Permitted only at designated campgrounds during periods in which hunting is allowed and throughout the year at designated campsites on the Florida National Scenic Trail provided that access to area is via the Trail. Camping equipment may be taken onto the area after 8 a.m. seven days prior to the opening of archery season and shall be removed from the area before 6 p.m. seven days following the end of the spring turkey season. Camping shall be allowed from 8 a.m. one day prior to each season through 6 p.m. one day following each season. Only tents, trailers or self-propelled camping vehicles may be used for camping.
(d) General regulations:
1. Persons hunting on the Crabgrass Creek portion of the area shall have a daily permit issued from the check station in their possession (except during the small game season) and shall enter and exit at the designated entrance point on
2. through 3. No change.
4. No deer or wild hog shall be quartered or otherwise dismembered in the hunt area.
5. through 6. No change.
7. The use of centerfire rifles for taking wild turkey during the spring turkey season is prohibited. The possession of centerfire rifles is prohibited during spring turkey season.
8. No change.
(a) Open season:
1. General gun – November 8 10 through January 4 6.
2. Small game – January 5 7 through March 1 2.
3. Spring turkey – March 21 15 through April 26 20.
4. Archery – September 20 22 through October 19 21.
5. No change.
6. Muzzleloading gun – October 24-26 26-28.
7. General gun for mobility impaired – October 31 through November 2 November 2-4.
8. General gun-dog – December 4-7 6-9, 20-23 and 25-28 27-30 in that area between the Florida Turnpike and U.S. 441 only.
9. No change.
(b) Legal to take: All legal game, fish, alligators as specified in Rule 68A-25.042, F.A.C., frogs and furbearers. The take of wild hog is prohibited during small game season and general-gun dog season. Hogs may be taken only during the archery, muzzleloading gun, general gun for the mobility-impaired, and the general gun seasons with no size or bag limit. Taking of hogs during the general gun-dog seasons shall be prohibited.
(c) Camping: Permitted only at designated hunter campsites during the periods in which hunting is allowed and at designated campsites on the Florida Trail throughout the year. Camping equipment may be taken onto the area after 8:00 a.m. seven days prior to the opening of archery season and shall be removed from the area before 6:00 p.m. seven days following the end of the spring turkey season. Camping shall be allowed from 8 a.m. one day prior to each season through 6:00 p.m. one day following each season.
(d) General regulations:
1. through 6. No change.
7. No deer or wild hog shall be quartered or otherwise dismembered until it has been checked and tagged at a check station.
8. through 9. No change.
10. The use of centerfire rifles for taking wild turkey during the spring turkey season is prohibited. The possession of centerfire rifles is prohibited during the spring turkey season.
11. through 13. No change.
(e) No change.