The University of Florida, Purchasing and Disbursement Services will receive sealed bids for the following: ITN08SV-211, Annual Contract for Underground Construction. Proposals are due on or before April 1, 2008 at 3:00 p.m., in 101 Elmore Hall, Radio Road, Gainesville, FL. Scope of work: Annual contract for machine and hand trenching, pushing/boring under or saw cutting of asphalt, concrete surfaces (sidewalks, streets, road ways, etc.), machine or hand digging splice/test holes, laying PVC conduit or other pipes for utility services, placing telecommunications cabling and fiber optic cables, termination of telecommunications cabling and fiber optics, constructing above ground communications cabinets and larger Prefab vaults, placement of Blue light Emergency telephone units and associated concrete foundations, installation of related electrical, piping, sanitary or mechanical work and other work underground services related work. The location of the work to be provided by the Contractor will largely be confined to the University of Florida main campus. The size of each project will vary from directing the Contractor to provide a singular splice pit, a trench a few feet in length to a conduit structure thousands of feet in length with many man / hand holes. All services shall be performed on an as needed basis. Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held March 12, 2008, 10:00 a.m., in 101 Elmore Hall, Radio Road, Gainesville, FL. Questions should be directed to: Karen Olitsky, Purchasing and Disbursement Services, or (352)392-1331. For more information visit
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT OF 1991 – If special accommodations are needed in order to attend the Pre-Bid Meeting or the Bid opening, contact Purchasing, or (352)392-1331, within three (3) days of the event.