The Florida State University Facilities Purchasing shall receive sealed bids until the dates and times shown for the following projects. Bids may be brought to the bid opening or sent to:
Facilities Maintenance, Purchasing
114F Mendenhall, Building A
prior to bid opening. Bidder must reference bid number, opening date and time on outside of bid package to insure proper acceptance. Bids submitted by facsimile are not acceptable. For information relating to the Invitation(s) to Bid, contact the
Bid Number: FAC93-06
Purchasing Agent: B. J. Lewis, Facilities
MANDATORY PRE BID: August 22, 2006, 10:00 a.m.
Public Bid Opening: September 6, 2006, 2:00 p.m.
FSU-Facilities Maintenance
116 Mendenhall Hall, Building A
Facilities Maintenance Purchasing
Bid Documents: Purpose of this invitation to Bid (ITB) is to secure a qualified contractor to lease appropriate water purification equipment, provide training, and full service maintenance so as to guarantee both the quality and quantity of high purity water required at each