The Florida International University Board of Trustees announces that design-build services will be required for the project listed below:
Project Name and Number: Football Stadium Expansion, BT-842
Project Location: This facility will be located at
Project Deion:
Applicants will be provided a maximum Design-Build project budget, Building Program, and Design Criteria package prepared by the Owner’s design criteria consultants. This documentation will establish and prioritize facility needs, and establish evaluation guidelines.
Firms desiring to provide design build-services for the project shall submit a letter of application and a completed Design-Build Qualifications Supplement (DBQS) form. Submittals should not exceed 80 pages, including the DBQS form and letter of application. Pages shall be numbered consecutively. Submittals which do not include the requested data as specified in the DBQS form will not be considered. No submittal material will be returned. Note: A previous design-build selection and negotiation process for this project has been terminated. A complete updated submittal of all requested documents is required. Previously submitted information will not be considered.
The process for selecting a design-build firm for this Project will include evaluation and scoring of the information provided on the respondent’s DBQS form. A Selection Committee will evaluate and score the information provided, which includes prior project-related experience, design and technical abilities, financial resources, etc…
A minimum of 3 firms receiving the highest scores after evaluation will be short listed. These firms will be given the opportunity to present their design build qualifications, design and construction services, approach and methodology to the Selection Committee. Based on this presentation and interview a minimum of 3 design build firms will be selected to prepare and submit priced schematic designs and a construction schedule based on F.I.U.’s building Program and Design Criteria package.
QUALIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS: In addition to other requirements included in the DBQS form, the design-build firm team member(s) involved in professional services as engineer and/or architect and construction services as a certified general contractor shall meet the requirements of Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, at the time of the DBQS submittal. Corporations must be registered to operate in the State of
The Design-Build Qualifications Supplement (DBQS) form and the project fact sheet may be obtained by mail from: Facilities Planning, Florida International University, University Park, Miami, Florida 33199, or by Faxing a request to (305)348-4010, or login to (find project under Facilities Construction Project Information). Requests for meetings by individual firms will not be granted. Once the firm acquires the required forms, questions may be directed to Facilities Planning.
Eight (8) bound copies of the Design-Build Qualifications submittal should be delivered to: Selection Committee,
Submittals must be received by 2:00 p.m. (local time), on Friday, September 1, 2006. Facsimile (FAX) submittals are not acceptable and will not be considered.