Notice of Bid/Request for Proposal

Notice of Request for Proposal

STATEMENT OF WORK: In connection with the conduct of the audit of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (CPIC), required pursuant to Section 627.351(6)(1), Florida Statutes, the Florida Auditor General is seeking to engage the services of a property insurance industry expert to assist the Auditor General (AG) in the examination of the data, files, and documentation maintained by CPIC or its agents in relation to submitted claims.

PROPOSALS: Proposals must be submitted in accordance with the content set forth in the Auditor General’s Request for Proposal for Insurance Industry Consulting Services dated May 16, 2008. Copies of this document are available from the contact person and will be provided by email upon request. The RFP is also available at the following World Wide Web address: htm.

CONTACT PERSON: Kathryn Walker, C.P.A., Audit Manager, Auditor General, Suite 276, Pepper Building, 111 W. Madison Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1450, (850)487-9085, Fax (850)488-9137, e-mail kathrynwalker@

DATES: All interested consultants are required to submit a mandatory but non-binding letter of intent to propose, which must be received by the contact person no later than 2:00 p.m. (EDT), June 2, 2008. The Auditor General will have further communications after that date only with those persons who indicate their initial intent to submit a proposal on this project. The closing date and time to receive proposals is 2:00 p.m. (EDT), June 11, 2008. The contact person must receive the written proposal prior to the closing date and time. Proposals that for any reason are not so received will not be considered.

The Auditor General reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Unless all proposals are rejected, it is anticipated the contract will be awarded during June 2008.