Pursuant to Section 324 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), the following information is available to the public upon request during normal working hours by the Northeast Florida Regional Council’s Local Emergency Planning Committee, 6850 Belfort Oaks Place, Jacksonville, Florida 32216.
Hazardous Chemical Inventory (Tier Two) Forms
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Emergency Release Follow-up Reports
Hazards Analyses for facilities with Extremely Hazardous Substances
LEPC Hazardous Material Emergency Response Plan
How-to-Comply Information for Hazardous Materials Users
Free hazardous Materials Training for First Responders
“Are You Prepared for a Hazardous Materials Emergency?”
Video and brochure for the general public
Other Public Education Materials
Your Telephone Book may contain Hazardous Materials Emergency information that you could be asked to follow in an actual emergency
The Northeast Florida Regional Council’s Local Emergency Planning Committee (Florida District 4 LEPC) serves Baker, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Nassau, Putnam, and St. Johns Counties. To obtain information on the above items, please contact Debbie Dale at (904)279-0880, ext. 167, e-mail ddale@nefc. org or visit