Notice of Declaratory Statement

Division of Medical Quality Assurance
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Nursing has received the petition for declaratory statement from Brenda McGrath, RN.The petition seeks the agency's opinion as to the applicability of Section 464.003, F.S. as it applies to the petitioner.
Specifically, the Petitioner requests that the Board issue a Declaratory Statement determining under the provisions of Section 464.003, F.S. whether it is within the scope of practice of a properly credentialed Emergency Department Registered Nurse (1) to administer Ketamine under the direct supervision of an Emergency Department physician pursuant to a written or verbal order, (2) to administer Ketamine to pediatric patients under the direct supervision of an Emergency Department physician pursuant to a written or verbal order and (3) whether the Florida Board of Nursing will endorse the position statement declared by the Emergency Nurses Association and the American College of Emergency Physicians as shown in the Petition.