Notice of Bid/Request for Proposal

Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority
Request for Letter of Response - PD&E Study Downtown Viaduct SEIR

Notice to Professional Consultants – Request for Letter of Response – Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study – Downtown Viaduct State Environmental Impact Report (SEIR)

The Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority (Authority) anticipates seeking Letter of Responses from professional consultant services for environmental, planning and engineering services associated with the Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study for capacity improvements to the Selmon Expressway Downtown Viaduct in Tampa, Florida (Project), from West of Florida Avenue to West of 22nd Street, a distance of approximately 1.7 miles. Consideration will be given to only those firms that are qualified pursuant to law and prequalified by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to perform the indicated Major and Minor Types(s) of Work.

SELECTION PROCEDURE: This project is covered by the Authority’s selection process pursuant to   Section 287.055 Florida Statutes. Each firm must submit a Letter of Response. Some or all of the responding firms may be requested to provide written or oral technical proposals, or both for evaluation and ranking purposes. This Notice will be posted on the Authority’s website (under Public Notice/Bids, RFPs). All public meetings will be held at the Authority’s offices at 1104 East Twiggs Street, Suite 300, Tampa, FL 33602, unless otherwise noted.

In order to ensure a fair, competitive, and open process, once this project is advertised for Letters of Response, all communications or contact between interested firms and the Authority Board, its consultants or staff is prohibited pursuant to Section 520.06, F.S., Authority Procedures. Questions or comments on the Project must be directed in writing: Authority contact: Vicki Melone by email: or by Fax: (813)273-3730.

This project is subject to the Authority’s Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Policy, which strongly encourages the solicitations and utilization of SBE firms and includes a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, gender and national origin in its employment and contracting practices. All firms contracting with the Authority are required to have or adopt a similar policy. A copy of the Authority’s SBE Policy is available at the Authority’s website.

RESPONSE PROCEDURE: Prequalified consultants are encouraged to submit a Letter of Response to the Authority by 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), February 27, 2009. Letters of Response must be submitted as attached files by E-Mail to and will be composed of a single file, not to exceed 1 MB in size, in Adobe PDF format (unzipped), and will not exceed two (2) pages in length. Consultants will be provided an e-mailed Return Receipt acknowledgement of the Letter of Response. If such acknowledgement is not received by the Consultant, please call the Authority contact at (813)272-6740. Letters of Response should not contain links to other Web Pages and will, at a minimum, include the following information:

a.     Project Name / Authority Project Number

b.     Consultant’s name and address

c.     Proposed responsible office for consultant

d.     Contact person, phone number and Internet E-mail Address

e.     Statement regarding prequalification of consultant or proposed subconsultants in advertised type of work

f.      Proposed key personnel and their proposed roles (do not include resumes)

g.     Subconsultant(s) that may be used for the project

h.     Indication as to whether the prime firm and/or subconsultants are a Small Business Enterprise.

Major Types of Work:

2.0          Project Development & Environment (PD&E) Studies

3.3          Controlled Access Highway Design

4.2.1       Major Bridge Design – Concrete

4.2.2       Major Bridge Design – Steel

4.2.3       Major Bridge Design – Segmental

Minor Types of Work:

3.1          Minor Highway Design

7.1          Signing, Pavement Marking & Channelization

7.2          Lighting

Proposed Scope of Services: (Under Public Notice/Bids, RFPs)


Advertisement Date:                   February 13, 2009

Response Submittal Deadline:   February 27, 2009, 5:00 p.m.

Respond to:

Standard Notes

1.     This Project is subject to Authority Board funding approval.

2.     The Authority reserves the right to:

      waive any informalities or irregularities in the process.

      request additional information or clarification of any information submitted or omitted from the response or proposal.

      To cancel or readvertise this process or change or modify the Schedule at any time.

         Protest Rights

Failure to file a protest with the time prescribed in the Authority’s Protest Policy is a waiver of any objection based on the solicitation, selection or award process.