65H-2: Batterer Intervention Program Certification Minimum Standards
65H-2.001: Purpose
65H-2.002: Definitions
65H-2.003: Application for Certification
65H-2.004: Program Requirements
65H-2.005: Program Content
65H-2.006: Facilitator Eligibility
65H-2.007: Assessment Requirements
65H-2.008: Assessor Eligibility
65H-2.009: Trainer Requirements
65H-2.010: Monitoring
65H-2.011: Conflicts of Interest
Notice is hereby given that the following correction has been made to the proposed rule in Vol. 32 No. 29, July 21, 2006 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.
Rule Chapter Numbers 65C-5.001 through 65C-5.011 for the “Batterer Intervention Program Certification Minimum Standards” has been changed. The proposed rule chapters were printed in the Florida Administrative Weekly, July 21, 2006 edition. The new chapter numbers are as follows: