Did not contain all of the changes that were submitted. First, the initial Notice was published in Vol. 32, No. 4, January 27, 2006 edition of the Florida Administrative Weekly, not Vol. 32, No 32, August 11. The affected rules are set forth below as originally submitted in the Notice of Change. In addition, changes were made to subparagraphs 69A-58.004(6)(b)1. and 69A-58.0082(1)(b)4. and 5. as a result of timely written comments to the Notice of Change.
69A-58.004 Firesafety Inspections.
(6) The inspection reports required by subsection (1) shall be submitted to the division by June 30, of each year.
(b) The local fire official shall either:
1. Forward one copy of the completed inspection report for each inspection conducted by the local fire official board to the division electronically by entering it into the “School Inspection Reporting System” database, or
2. Submit the report in any legible format with each violation coded in accordance with Form DFS-KL3-1674 (Rev. 02-06) the “School Inspection Reporting System” database schedule which is adopted herein by reference and retain the original. A copy of the form can be obtained at the Department’s website located at www.fldfs.com/SFM/, or by mailing a request to The Florida State Fire Marshall, Bureau of Fire Prevention,
(7) Any firesafety inspector authorized by a unit of government who is certified in accordance with Section 633.081(2) or Section 633.081(3), F.S. may enter the “School Inspection Reporting System” via the internet at http://app.bebr.ufl.edu/egroupware/login.php?cd=1. You may also access the “School Inspection Reporting System” through the Division’s website located at www.fldfs.com/SFM/.
69A-58.0082 Relocatable Buildings.
(1) Relocatable buildings sited after March 1, 2002 shall be separated as required by the Florida Buidling Code.
(b) Relocatable buildings sited within a cluster in accordance with this section are permitted to achieve emergency vehicle access by providing vehicular access to within 200 feet of the entrance of the most remote relocatable unit and shall be provided with an independent fire alarm system with a manual pull station within 100 feet of each egress door.
4. Any Maximum of 20% unprotected opening between adjacent wall spaces shall be as approved by the building official in accordance with Chapter 553, Part IV, Florida Statutes (2005), the “Florida Building Code.” and,
5. The minimum setback for non-combustible relocatable buildings shall be as permitted by local zoning requirements.
69A-58.0084 Seclusion Time Out Rooms.
(7) During each unannounced inspection, the division or the local fire official is permitted to inspect secured seclusion time-out rooms, for compliance, interview staff, and review staff development activities, and conduct other activities as deemed appropriate to ensure compliance with this rule chapter.
(f) Application for a permit need not be on any specific form and is permitted to be in the form of a letter, a memorandum, or a similar document; however, the application must be signed by the school administrator or his or her designee and must include the district’s name, the school’s name, the school’s address, and contact information which must designate the name and phone number of the contact person at the school who is permitted to be the school administrator or anyone designated by the school administrator.
(g) Each permit shall be valid for a period of not more than one year from the date of issue.