NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on July 01, 2009, the Department of Environmental Protection, received a petition for waiver from Target Corporation (Target) from being a public water system by allowing two other parcels to be fairly assessed by Target to use the potable water received from Hillsborough County’s public water system for which the customer is Target, at Water Avenue in Hillsborough County, Florida. This would be a waiver from subsection 62-550.102(2), F.A.C. The file number is OGC No.: 09-3118. If you wish to submit written comments, they must be received no later than 14 days after the date of this notice. Comments should be sent to Cynthia Christen, address below.
A copy of the Petition for Variance or Waiver may be obtained by contacting: Cynthia Christen, MS #35, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, (850)245-2230, e-mail: