59G-6.020: Payment Methodology for Inpatient Hospital Services
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: to incorporate changes to the Florida Title XIX Inpatient Hospital Reimbursement Plan payment methodology, effective July 1, 2009, in accordance with Senate Bill 2600, 2009-10 General Appropriations Act, Specific Appropriation 188 and 189.
1. $168, 300 is provided to Lee Memorial Hospital for the Regional Pernatal Intensive Care Center (RPICC) Program.
2. The Agency shall implement a recurring methodology in the Title XIX Inpatient Hospital Reimbursement Plan to achieve a $35,478,571 reduction. In establishing rates through the normal process, prior to including this reduction, if the unit cost is equal to or less than the unit cost used in establishing the budget, then no additional reduction in rates is necessary. In establishing rates through the normal process, prior to including this reduction, if the unit cost is greater than the unit cost used in establishing the budget, then rates shall be reduced by an amount required to achieve this reduction, but shall not be reduced below the unit cost used in establishing the budget.
3. Elimination of the inpatient reimbursement ceilings for hospitals whose charity care and Medicaid days, as a percentage of total adjusted hospital days, equal or exceed 11 percent. For any public hospital or any leased public hospital found to have sovereign immunity or hospital with graduate medical education positions that does not qualify for the elimination of the inpatient ceilings under this section of proviso or any other proviso listed, such hospitals shall be exempt from the inpatient reimbursement ceilings contingent on the hospital or local governmental entity providing the required state match. The agency shall use the average of the 2003, 2004 and 2005 audited DSH data available as of March 1, 2009. In the event the agency does not have the prescribed three years of audited DSH data for a hospital, the agency shall use the average of the audited DSH data for 2003, 2004 and 2005 that are available.
4. Elimination of the inpatient reimbursement ceilings for hospitals that have a minimum of ten licensed Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Beds and are located in Trauma Services Area 2.
5. Elimination of the inpatient hospital reimbursement ceilings for hospitals whose Medicaid days as a percentage of total hospital days exceed 7.3 percent, and are designated or provisional trauma centers. This provision shall apply to all hospitals that are designated or provisional trauma centers on July 1, 2009 and any hospital that becomes a designated or provisional trauma center during Fiscal Year 2009-2010. Included in these funds are the annualized amounts to offset the reductions taken against certified trauma centers as identified in Section 12, Chapter 2007-326, Laws of Florida. The Agency shall use the average of the 2003, 2004 and 2005 audited Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) data available as of March 1, 2009. In the event the agency does not have the prescribed three years of audited Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) data for a hospital, the agency shall use the average of the audited DSH data for 2003, 2004 and 2005 that are available. Funds in Specific Appropriation 188 are contingent upon the state share being provided through grants and donations from state, county or other governmental funds. In the event the state share provided through grants and donations is not available to fund the removal of inpatient ceilings for hospitals, the Agency for Health Care Administration shall submit a revised hospital reimbursement plan to the Legislative Budget Commission for approval.
6. Elimination of the inpatient reimbursement ceilings for teaching, specialty, Community Hospital Education Program hospitals and Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Units that have a minimum of three of the following designated tertiary services as regulated under the Certificate of Need Program: pediatric bone marrow transplantation, pediatric open heart surgery, pediatric cardiac catheterization and pediatric heart transplantation. Included in these funds are the annualized amounts to offset the reductions taken against hospitals defined in Section 408.07(45), Florida Statutes, that are not certified trauma centers, as identified in Section 12, Chapter 2007-326, Laws of Florida.
7. $69,899,581 is provided to buy back of the Medicaid trend adjustment that is being applied against the Medicaid inpatient rates for the following three categories of hospitals. Of these funds $38,503,310 is provided to the first category of hospitals, which are those hospitals that are part of a system that operates a provider service network in the following manner: $18,152,419 is for Jackson Memorial Hospital; $5,407,484 is for hospitals in Broward Health; $5,457,550 is for hospitals in the Memorial Healthcare System; and $2,748,092 is for Shands Jacksonville and $6,737,765 is for Shands Gainesville. In the event that the above amounts exceed the amount of the Medicaid trend adjustment applied to each hospital, then the excess funds will be used to buy back other Medicaid reductions in the inpatient rate. Of the above funds, $21,365,269 shall be used for the second category to buy back the Medicaid trend adjustment that is being applied against the Medicaid inpatient rates for those hospitals that are licensed as a children’s specialty hospital and whose Medicaid days plus charity care days divided by total adjusted patient days equals or exceeds 30 percent. In the event that the funds under this category exceed the amount of the Medicaid trend adjustment, then any excess funds will be used to buy back other Medicaid reductions in the inpatient rate for those individual hospitals. Of the above funds, $10,031,002 shall be used for the third category to buy back the Medicaid trend adjustment that is being applied against the Medicaid inpatient rates to rural hospitals. In the event that the funds under this category exceed the amount of the Medicaid trend adjustment, then any excess funds will be used to buy back other Medicaid reductions in the inpatient rate for those individual hospitals. For this section of proviso the agency shall use the 2003, 2004 and 2005 audited DSH data available as of March 1, 2009. In the event the agency does not have the prescribed three years of audited DSH data for a hospital, the agency shall use the average of the audited DSH data for 2003, 2004 and 2005 that are available.
8. Public hospitals, including any leased public hospital found to have sovereign immunity, teaching hospitals as defined in Section 408.07(45) or 395.805, Florida Statutes, which have seventy or more full-time equivalent resident physicians and for designated trauma hospitals may buy back the Medicaid inpatient trend adjustment applied to their individual hospital rates and other Medicaid reductions to their inpatient rates up to actual Medicaid inpatient cost. The payments under this proviso are contingent on the state share being provided through grants and donations from state, county or other governmental funds. This section of proviso does not include the buy back of the Medicaid inpatient trend adjustment applied to the individual state mental health hospitals.
9. Medicaid payments for multi-visceral transplant and intestine transplants in Florida. The agency shall establish a reasonable global fee for these transplant procedures and the payments shall be used to pay approved multi-visceral transplant and intestine transplant facilities a global fee for providing transplant services to Medicaid beneficiaries. Payment of the global fee is contingent upon the non-federal share being provided through grants and donations from state, county or other governmental funds. The agency is authorized to seek any federal waiver or state plan amendment necessary to implement this provision.
10. $155,223,205 is provided for Disproportionate Share (DSH) Hospital payments to public hospitals.
11. A formula for disproportionate share payments to provider service networks.
12. $66,131,172 is provided for Payments to defined statutory teaching hospitals. Prior to the distribution of these funds to the statutorily defined teaching hospitals. $6,487,220 shall be allocated to Shands Jacksonville Hospital,; $2,660,440 shall be allocated to Tampa General Hospital; and $1,083,512 shall be allocated to Shands Teaching Hospital.
12. $2,000,000 is provided for Payments to hospitals participating in graduate medical education initiatives, specifically consortiums engaged in developing new graduate medical education positions and programs. Consortiums shall consist of a combination of statutory teaching hospitals, statutory rural hospitals, hospitals with existing accredited graduate medical education positions, medical schools, Department of Health clinics, federally qualified health centers, and where possible, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs clinics. Ideally, each consortium will have at least five residents per training year. Each consortium must include primary care providers and at least one hospital, and consortium residents shall rotate between participating primary care sites and hospitals. On or before September 1, 2009, consortiums will apply to the agency for funding with the objective of initiating new medical resident programs and five initial resident positions by July 2010. On or before October 1, 2009, the agency in consultation with the Department of Health shall at a minimum fund two consortiums, one of which shall be designed to serve a rural area. All consortium-initiated residency programs and positions shall be reviewed by the Community Hospital Education Council, which shall report all findings to the Executive Office of the Governor, the chair of the Senate Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means, and the chair of the House Full Appropriations Council on General Government and Health Care.
13. $13,200,000 is provided for Payments to family practice teaching hospitals.
14. $800,000 is provided for payments to hospitals licensed as specialty children’s hospitals. The funds shall be distributed equally among the hospitals that qualify.
15. $9,216,200 is provided for payments to Provider Service Networks. Distributions are made to qualifying Provider Service Network hospitals or systems proportionally based on Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Provider Service Network patient days from qualifying Provider Service Network hospitals or systems. The Provider Service Network inpatient days used in distributing these funds shall be based on the utilization for the following individual hospitals or hospital systems only: Jackson Memorial Hospital – 15,464 days; Broward Health – 18,109 days; Memorial Healthcare System – 12,047 days; Shands Teaching – Gainesville – 1,581 days; and Shands Teaching – Jacksonville – 13,227 days.
16. Unrelated to SB 2600, the Agency is deleting the phrase “Upon request for a copy of any cost report, the hospital involved shall be notified as to the person making the request and what is being requested. Unless prohibited by a court of competent jurisdiction, the cost report shall be released to the requestor within a limited reasonable time from receipt of the request by the Agency for Health Care Administration. Reasonable time is defined as the time allowed to enable the Agency to retrieve the record and delete exempt portions of the record” from Section A.I. of the Inpatient Hospital reimbursement Plan.
17. Unrelated to SB 2600, the Agency is removing the “October 1, 2003” date from the provision related to the acceptance of audited cost reports.
SUMMARY: Effective July 1, 2009, the proposed rule shall bring the Title XIX Inpatient Hospital Reimbursement Plan into compliance with Senate Bill 2600, 2009-10 General Appropriations Act, Specific Appropriation 188 and 189.
SUMMARY OF STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REGULATORY COSTS: The Agency has determined that this rule will not have an impact on small business.
Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.
LAW IMPLEMENTED: 409.908, 409.911, 409.9112, 409.9113, 409.9115, 409.9116, 409.9117 409.9118, 409.9119 FS.
DATE AND TIME: January 14, 2010, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
PLACE: Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3, Conference Room D, Tallahassee, Florida 32308
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Edwin Stephens, Medicaid Program Analysis, 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 21, Tallahassee, Florida 32308, (850)414-2759 or stephene@ahca.myflorida.com
59G-6.020 Payment Methodology for Inpatient Hospital Services.
Reimbursement to participating inpatient hospitals for services provided shall be in accord with the Florida Title XIX Inpatient Hospital Reimbursement Plan, Version XXXIIIV, Effective Date July 1, 2009 March 1, 2008 and incorporated herein by reference. A copy of the Plan as revised may be obtained by writing to the Office of the Deputy Secretary for Medicaid, Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3, Mail Stop 8, Tallahassee, Florida 32308.
Rulemaking Authority 409.919 FS. Law Implemented 409.908, 409.9117 FS. History–New 10-31-85, Formerly 10C-7.391, Amended 10-1-86, 1-10-89, 11-19-89, 3-26-90, 8-14-90, 9-30-90, 9-16-91, 4-6-92, 11-30-92, 6-30-93, Formerly 10C-7.0391, Amended 4-10-94, 8-15-94, 1-11-95, 5-13-96, 7-1-96, 12-2-96, 11-30-97, 9-16-98, 11-10-99, 9-20-00, 3-31-02, 1-8-03, 7-3-03, 2-1-04, 2-16-04, 2-17-04, 8-10-04, 10-12-04, 4-19-06, 12-11-06, 3-4-08, 6-10-08, 1-11-09,________.