The CANAVERAL PORT AUTHORITY (CPA) in compliance with the Consultant’s Competitive Negotiation Act, Section 287.055, F.S., is requesting technical proposals and qualifications from consulting firms interested in providing Geotechnical Engineering services for the Canaveral Port Authority under a continuing contract as outlined in the following Scope of Services.
The Geotechnical Engineering consultant will provide subsurface investigations, laboratory testing, and geotechnical engineering consulting and design services as directed by the Canaveral Port Authority for various projects at Port Canaveral. The work will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:
1. Conducting soil borings, cone penetrometer soundings, flat plate dilatometer sounds and other field exploration testing on land and from a barge-mounted platform.
2. Conducting laboratory testing on soil samples obtained from field investigations. These tests may include testing for classification, strength (triaxial compression, unconfined compression, and direct shear) compressibility, and permeability.
3. Providing geotechnical evaluation and design services including axial and lateral capacity of piles, stability of bulkheads and sea walls, foundation analysis for terminal, pier and wharf structures, stability of dikes and slopes, evaluation of dredged spoil disposal and surcharging of soft clay deposits.
4. Conducting field and laboratory testing of construction materials which may include concrete, grout, soils, aggregates, and asphalt.
5. Coordinating design work with the Port staff and consultants.
At a minimum, all responding firms shall possess the following:
1. An office within reasonable proximity to the Port;
2. At least 5 years of experience on projects described in the Scope of Services;
3. Professional liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000; and
4. Registration and Licenses as a Professional Geotechnical Engineer by the State of Florida.
Each responding consulting firm shall provide (6) copies and one (1) CD (containing complete proposal in pdf format) of their proposal giving detailed information on the following:
1. Firm history, location, capabilities, etc.
2. GSA Standard Form 330 or equivalent
3. Five (5) examples of previous experience with providing similar services in the recent past. Include a brief description of the work and individuals to be contacted with telephone numbers.
4. Description of firm’s knowledge of local conditions and practices.
5. A list of services which would not be performed in-house and a list of consultants which would provide these services for the firm.
6. A schedule of current commitments and the degree of completion of each.
7. An organization chart and other information which will be useful in evaluating the proposal service.
8. Outline of methodology for implementation of the proposed scope of work.
9. Resumes’ of key individuals to be involved in the various aspects of the project and an explanation of each individual’s role in the project.
10. Evidence of coverage with at least one million dollars of professional liability insurance.
11. Provide evidence that firm is licensed and registered to do business in the State of Florida.
The selected firm will be required to perform all contract services under a standard CPA continuing services contract, a sample of which may be requested by contacting Peggy Gooch, Senior Administrative Assistant, Engineering, Canaveral Port Authority by email: or via phone: (321)783-7831, ext. 218. All notices will be posted on our website:
Firms desiring to provide such professional services to the CPA must furnish six (6) copies and one (1) CD (containing complete proposal in pdf format) of their expression of interest to:
Canaveral Port Authority
Attn: Peggy Gooch, Senior Administrative Assistant, Engineering
P. O. Box 267
445 Challenger Road
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
All proposals shall be delivered to the Canaveral Port Authority no later than 3:00 p.m., May 4, 2010.
A committee established by the Chief Executive Officer will meet to review and recommend for approval a ranking of qualified firms to the CPA Commission at their regularly scheduled meeting to be held at 2:00 p.m., May 19, 2010, at which time selections will be established.