Notice of Declaratory Statement

Division of Housing and Community Development
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Department of Community Affairs has received the petition for declaratory statement from Gary D. Pailthorp, Senior Project Engineer, Bracken Engineering, on October 27, 2010. It has been assigned the number DCA10-DEC-213.The petition seeks the agency's opinion as to the applicability of § 202, Florida Building Code, Existing Building Volume (2007, with 2009 supplement) as it applies to the petitioner.
Petitioner asks for a definition of “structure damage,” a term that is undefined in the F.B.C.
A copy of the Petition for Declaratory Statement may be obtained by contacting: Paula P. Ford. Commission Clerk, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100.