Development of Family Literacy Program – Request for Proposals – Early Learning Services
The School Readiness Coalition of Okaloosa County, Inc. (dba Early Learning Coalition of Okaloosa and Walton Counties) announces the following Request for Proposals (RFP) to which persons are invited to bid. The Early Learning Coalition of Okaloosa and Walton Counties is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from bidders interested in contracting with the coalition to develop a family literacy program for Okaloosa and Walton counties. The services will be funded through quality dollars.
The Early Learning Plan for the coalition requires specific services in the program including home visitations, client referrals, group instruction, etc.
The complete proposal will be available for distribution on or about February 7, 2011. The deadline for Letter of Intent to Bid is February 21, 2011. The deadline for receipt of proposals is noon (Local time) on March 22, 2011. Successful bidder’s contract begins April 11, 2011, pending any unforeseen delay. Write for or pick-up a copy of the RFP at the following address:
Michelle Flaherty, Assistant Director
Early Learning Coalition of Okaloosa
and Walton Counties
2018 Lewis Turner Blvd., Suite C
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
Phone: (850)833-3627, Fax: (850)833-3632