
Governor Rick Scott’s Executive Order 11-01

Executive Order 11-01 requires state agencies to review their rules to determine if any rules are: (1) duplicative, (2) unnecessarily burdensome, or (3) no longer necessary. Agencies are also required to: (4) identify legislative mandates that negatively impact business and job creation.

In the spirit of the executive order, the Department is soliciting comments from stakeholders to assist in this assignment. We respectfully request that you identify each rule, which you determine meets one or more of the four criteria cited above. Please list each criterion you determine the rule meets; recommend whether the rule should be amended or repealed for the first three criteria; or whether the statute should be amended or repealed for the fourth criterion. For amendments to statutes or rules, please provide recommended language.

Please submit your comments electronically to mailbox: DoingBusiness@elderaffairs.org no later than February 21, 2011.

If you need further information or clarification, please feel free to contact: Jim Crochet, Department of Elder Affairs, Office of the General Counsel, 4040 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, FL 32399-7000, (850)414-2113. We look forward to receiving your comments.