Notice of Bid/Request for Proposal





The Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority (Authority) plans to solicit proposals for a public-private partnership (P-3) with the Authority for a project located in north Tampa, more specifically described below ("Project"). The Authority is an independent special district established under Section 348.52, F.S.

The Project consists of approximately 3.1 miles of new limited access alignment, which will include a new interchange at I-275. It is contemplated that the majority of the Project will be built on structures, due to environmental concerns. The City of Tampa (City) is conducting a PD&E study of the Project. The Authority has performed a planning level traffic and revenue study. The recommended alignment from the PD&E study is alternative 7.

The Authority and the City make no warranties or representations regarding the PD&E, and planning level traffic and revenue studies, and any documents generated from them. The study documents are furnished for informational purposes only. Copies of these documents and any other documents that the Authority deems of interest to prospective proposers may be obtained on the Authority’s website: Proposers are urged to periodically check the website for updates.

The Authority plans to solicit proposals for an innovative public-private partnership that may include design-build, interchange justification study, coordination with FHWA, financing, operation and maintenance of the facility. It is the intent of the Authority to hold a Workshop on the 2nd day of March 2006, at 9:00 a.m., at its administrative offices located at 1104 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida 33602 for all interested proposers to discuss the Authority and the City’s expectations on this Project. The City will not be partner in the Project; however, the City will have input in the Project’s initial alignment.

The workshop will be conducted in two parts. A general public session will be held from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., where the Project will be reviewed by Authority staff, followed by questions and recommendations from the attendees. Starting at 11:00 a.m., following the general session, the Authority staff will meet individually with any interested proposer in one-hour intervals. These will be non-public sessions. Please contact Tina Allen, the Authority’s Executive Assistant, (813)272-6740, to schedule a meeting time. Please attempt to assemble your entire team, including sub-consultants, etc., for the meeting in order to minimize the number of individual meetings. If needed, the Authority will schedule a second day for individual meetings. The March 2, 2006 workshop is not a mandatory preproposal conference; however, all interested parties are urged to attend.

This Project is subject to the Authority's Small Business Enterprise (SBE) policy for design and construction contracts. The SBE policy strongly encourages the solicitation and utilization of SBE firms and includes a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, and national origin in its employment and contracting practices. All firms contracting with the Authority are required to have or adopt a similar policy. A copy of the SBE policy is available at the Authority's website

Subsequent to the workshop and after receiving questions and comments from interested proposers, the Authority intends to publish an RFP setting forth the general parameters desired to be included in the proposal and a time for submission. It is the desire of the Authority that all proposers submit innovative, creative and financially-sound proposals that accomplish the goals set forth for the Project. The advertisement will set forth the minimum requirements for the proposal expected by the Authority and the requirements as to proposal style, length, and copies. The Authority will consider recommendations and/or suggestions prior to publishing the RFP on the Project. At the workshop, the Authority will discuss potential methods to be employed in the selection process and solicit any comments and/or suggestions from prospective proposers and other interested parties regarding selection criteria. Proposers are encouraged to submit written questions or suggestions to the Authority. Please note that all such writings will be posted on the Authority's website and are public records when received by the Authority.