The University of Florida, Purchasing Services will receive sealed bids for the following: ITB11MB-141, UF Reitz Union Fire Alarm Replacement, estimated budget: $350,000.00, to be opened June 22, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in 101 Elmore Hall, Radio Road, Gainesville, FL. Scope of work: Provide and Install new voice EVAC fire alarm System. See bid documents @ website below. Mandatory pre-bid meeting and site visit will be held June 1, 2011 at 10:00 a.m., in the J. Reitz Union #686, Room B-60, Gainesville, FL. Doors will be locked promptly @ 10:00 AM. Questions should be directed to Mercedes Bongiovanni, or (352)392-1331, ext 210. For more information visit AMERICANS WITH DISABILITY ACT OF 1991 – If special accommodations are needed in order to attend the Pre-Bid Meeting or the Bid opening, contact Purchasing, or (352)392-1331 within three (3) days of the event.