FAR Issue Vol. 36/No. 01 Section I    
Issue Date: January 8, 2010
Total number of notices in Section I:    18

Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
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The purpose and effect is to revise the rule to conform to current statutory requirements. 8115522 1/8/2010
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The purpose and effect are to amend the rule to implement the new requirements established by Chapter 2008-191, Laws of Florida (CS/HB 697), and related requirements established by Chapter 2009-96 (CS/CS/SB 360), Laws of .... 8111739 1/8/2010
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he purpose of the proposed amendments to Rule 12-19.005, F.A.C. (Confidentiality of Reports; Disclosure of Information), is to: (1) clarify that when the Department receives a written request for a report of large currency .... 8111642 1/8/2010
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The purpose of the proposed revisions to this rule is to list and adopt the proposed new and amended forms that will support the new exemption for dedicated conservation property and the classification for property subject .... 8113485 1/8/2010
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The purpose of this Notice of Proposed Rule Development is to inform the public that the Department is developing a new rule for an exemption for real property dedicated in perpetuity for conservation. Chapter 2009-157, .... 8113388 1/8/2010
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The proposed rule development will establish universal patient authorization forms in both paper and electronic formats which may be used by a health care provider to document patient permission for the disclosure and use, .... 8112612 1/8/2010
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Proposed rule updated to reflect changes to the hospice rule as currently defined in Title 59C, F.A.C. 8107180 1/8/2010
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The purpose of the proposed rule development is to implement the Agency's authority to administer the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education (VPK) Program by establishing a procedure by which VPK providers who fail to achieve .... 8117656 1/8/2010
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The proposed rule development will update the rules to reflect changes made to Chapter 509, F.S., by Chapter 2009-195, Laws of Florida. The proposed rules will update the Hospitality Education Program grants administered .... 8110672 1/8/2010
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To clarify and update language. 8118238 1/8/2010
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To clarify and update language. 8118141 1/8/2010
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The purpose of this rule is to provide information to apply for a Biomedical Research Grant, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 215.5602 and 381.922, Florida Statutes. 8082445 1/8/2010
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The proposed rule amendment amends the vehicle language and includes some wording changes and technical changes of a non-substantive nature. 8112806 1/8/2010
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The purpose of the proposed rule change is to allow volunteers of the Commission to take fish and wildlife under an approved volunteer program according to conditions specified for the program. The effect will be to facilitate .... 8109508 1/8/2010
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The purpose of this rule development notice is to modify the Commission’s spiny lobster rule to extend the current moratorium on the issuance of new commercial dive lobster endorsements. The proposed extension of the expiration .... 8109702 1/8/2010
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The purpose and effect of this rule development notice is to address possible rule changes for sharks and rays in the 2010 calendar year as a result of stock assessments, federal regulatory actions or other management or .... 8109605 1/8/2010
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To provide minimum curriculum requirements for Firesafety Inspector I, Firesafety Inspector II, Fire Code Administrator, and Special Fire Safety Inspector Certification, procedures for certification examinations, and procedures .... 8107471 1/8/2010
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The purpose of the proposed rule development is to update the rules that govern suspension and revocation of licenses of insurance agents, customer representatives, service representatives and adjusters. The amendments include .... 8115231 1/8/2010
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