Proposed Rules Open For Public Comment
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The purpose of the amendment to Rule 59G-6.010, Florida Administrative Code, (F.A.C.), is to update the definition of "Direct Care Cost Component." 29247166 2/12/2025
Vol. 51/29
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The proposed rulemaking amends Rule 61E1-4.001 F.A.C., to update the rule and existing application forms DBPR ALU 1 and ALU 2, to remove the requirement to submit a bond or irrevocable letter of credit pursuant to changes .... 29256672 2/12/2025
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The new rule is proposed to allow licensure by endorsement by a new incorporated form pursuant to the changes to section 469.004, F.S., by HB 869 (2023). 29256187 2/12/2025
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The proposed rulemaking will repeal Rules 19A-7.001 through 19A-7.007, which are outdated and no longer necessary. There will be no adverse effect on the public. 29246196 2/11/2025
Vol. 51/28
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The proposed rulemaking will repeal Rules 19A-6.001 through 19A-6.007, which are outdated and no longer necessary. There will be no adverse effect on the public. 29246099 2/11/2025
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The proposed rulemaking will repeal Rules 19A-4.001 through 19A-4.011, to comply with SB 7054 which was passed by the 2024 Legislature, as codified in ch. 2024-220, Laws of Florida. There will be no adverse effect on the .... 29246002 2/11/2025
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The proposed rulemaking will repeal Rules 19A-3.001 through 19A-3.003, which are outdated and no longer necessary. There will be no adverse effect on the public. 29245905 2/11/2025
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The proposed rulemaking modifies the information required to be reported by units of local government issuing general obligation bonds and revenue bonds the state to the Division of Bond Finance to remove duplicative language .... 29245711 2/11/2025
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The proposed rulemaking will repeal Rules 19A-1.001 through 19A-1.008, which are outdated and no longer necessary. There will be no adverse effect on the public. 29245614 2/11/2025
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The proposed amendments will update and revise Rule 61-6.021, F.A.C. to comport with the 2005 federal Real ID Act and Florida’s 2010 implementation of same as far as the documentation required to support a licensee’s name .... 29251822 2/11/2025
Vol. 51/28
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The Department will amend Rule 61E1-3.001, F.A.C., to update existing application form DBPR ALU 4 to remove the requirement to submit a bond or irrevocable letter of credit pursuant to s.469.006, F.S. as a result of HB 1335..... 29255896 2/11/2025
Vol. 51/28
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The purpose of the amendment to Rule 59G-4.150, Florida Administrative Code, (F.A.C.), is to incorporate by reference the Florida Medicaid Inpatient Hospital Services Coverage Policy, __________. 29245032 2/10/2025
Vol. 51/27
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The Department will amend Rule 61-35.011, F.A.C., to update and revise application forms DBPR COSMO 2, COSMO 3 and COSMO 13 to remove unnecessary information from within the applications. 29215350 2/10/2025
Vol. 51/27
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The Board proposes the rule to change the supervision for the administration of local anesthesia by certified dental hygienists. 29222431 2/5/2025
Vol. 51/24
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The proposed rule amendment will clarify the rule as need and adopt and incorporate by reference the application for licensure by endorsement pursuant to Section 456.0145(2), F.S. (SB 1600). 29219327 2/5/2025
Vol. 51/24
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The Board proposes an amendment to update and incorporate Florida Homeowners’ Construction Recovery Fund Claim Form. 29215059 2/4/2025
Vol. 51/23
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The Department is promulgating this rulemaking to delete provisions in each rule requiring the Department to evaluate the rules every four years to determine if they should be repealed. 28949279 2/4/2025
Vol. 51/23
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The Abandoned Tank Restoration Program (ATRP) rule incorporates an application and certification form for applicants plus a zero-charge coverage deductible for participating sites. The Division is not modifying the form .... 28948406 2/4/2025
Vol. 51/23
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The purpose of the proposed rule amendments is to revise regulations pertaining to general rules for Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), rules related to the application and issuance of quota and special-opportunity permits, .... 29187414 1/31/2025
Vol. 51/21
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The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to make three corrections to existing rule language. The effect of the proposed rule amendment will be to update the rule language for correctness and clarity. 29187317 1/31/2025
Vol. 51/21
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The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to update hunting regulations for crossbow and muzzleloading gun seasons on lands outside the WMA system and to make several technical corrections to “evidence of legal harvest” .... 29185377 1/31/2025
Vol. 51/21
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The Board proposes an amendment that updates the rule regarding examination for licensure. 29200606 1/29/2025
Vol. 51/19
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The Board proposes an amendment that updates the rule regarding Application for Licensure for Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Applicants. 29199442 1/29/2025
Vol. 51/19
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The rule will clarify the application review process for the Agriculture and Aquaculture Producers Natural Disaster Recovery Loan Program established in s. 570.822, Florida Statutes. 29195853 1/28/2025
Vol. 51/18
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This rulemaking implements statutory changes to Chapter 482, F.S., with new or revised rule requirements, updated forms, and clarified rule text. 29162291 1/28/2025
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Rule 14-10.0043, F.A.C. is being amended to increase annual outdoor advertising permit fees and to update the corresponding fee schedule. 29193816 1/28/2025
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The proposed rule amendment will incorporate the office surgery registration application into the rule and the text will be updated as needed. 29195950 1/28/2025
Vol. 51/18
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The proposed rule amendment will incorporate the office surgery registration application into the rule and the text will be updated as needed. 29195756 1/28/2025
Vol. 51/18
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The purpose of the proposed rule amendments is to revise regulations pertaining to general and specific rules for Wildlife and Environmental Areas (WEAs). The effect of the proposed rule amendments will be to enable the .... 29187899 1/27/2025
Vol. 51/17
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The purpose of the proposed rule amendment is to update hunting regulations for nonresidents to take wild turkey. The effect of the proposed rule amendment will be to better manage wild turkey populations. 29185280 1/27/2025
Vol. 51/17