FAR Issue Vol. 38/No. 14 Section II    
Issue Date: April 6, 2012
Total number of notices in Section II:    34

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The purpose and effect of this rule amendment would be to repeal 68A-5.004 and move the text of 68A-5.004 F.A.C. to 68-1.010 F.A.C in order to clarify that the subject matter addressed in the rule applies to Chapter 68, .... 11339414 4/6/2012
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The purpose of this rule amendment is to allow roundscale spearfish to be harvested under the state’s billfish possession limit by removing it from the prohibited list and creating a size limit. This rule amendment will .... 11356486 4/6/2012
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The purpose and effect of this rule amendment would be to change the citation(s) in 68B-34.005 F.A.C. from 68A-5.004 F.A.C. to 68-1.010 F.A.C in accordance with the proposed rule change. 11340287 4/6/2012
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The purpose and effect of this rule amendment would be to change the citation(s) in 68E-1.004 F.A.C. from 68A-5.004 F.A.C. to 68-1.010 F.A.C in accordance with the proposed rule change. 11340481 4/6/2012
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