FAR Issue Vol. 38/No. 20 Section II    
Issue Date: May 18, 2012
Total number of notices in Section II:    7

Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
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The purpose and effect of the proposed rulemaking is to refine the input to be provided before disciplinary action is taken to include a clinical assessment from a psychologist or psychiatrist. The proposed changes specify .... 11489764 5/18/2012
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The Board proposes the rule amendment to modify language to clarify the scope of work provided by a certified glass and glazing specialty contractor. 11504993 5/18/2012
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The Board proposes this rule amendment to incorporate the forms developed for the pro bono method of achieving the required biennial continuing education. 11511201 5/18/2012
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The Board proposes this rule amendment to incorporate the required language regarding obtaining the application form and restructure the rule for clarity. 11510425 5/18/2012
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The proposed rule amendments are intended to set forth additional offenses which the Board has deemed appropriate for mediation and for the issuance of citations. 11492286 5/18/2012
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The proposed rule amends the Hardship Extension Review, CF-ES 2082, and incorporates it by reference, adds reference to the ACCESS Florida Web Application, CF-ES 2353, as a way to apply for Temporary Cash Assistance and .... 11492577 5/18/2012
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The purpose is to repeal the rule due to a lack of statutory authority, per communications from the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee Staff. The topics addressed in the rule are addressed in the Department’s contracts..... 11507612 5/18/2012
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