FAR Issue Vol. 42/No. 150 Section II  
Issue Date: August 3, 2016
Total number of notices in Section II:    4

Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
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The proposed rule amendments are intended add the American Red Cross as an entity which provides certification in basic life support. Additionally, the Board intends to remove requirement that Vasopressin be stocked on .... 17836183 8/3/2016
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View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments incorporate the revised physician assistant licensure application and delete the language requiring prevention of medical errors education at the time of initial licensure. 17836086 8/3/2016
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View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments incorporate the revised physician assistant licensure application and delete the language requiring prevention of medical errors education at the time of initial licensure. 17835989 8/3/2016
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View Text Proposed
The proposed rule amendments in Rule 64B8-4.009 are intended to address the revised application forms; clarify language with regard to direct verification for medical school education; and delete language requiring prevention .... 17835892 8/3/2016
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