FAR Issue Vol. 42/No. 231 Section I  
Issue Date: November 30, 2016
Total number of notices in Section I:    10

Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
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The purpose of the revised rule is to align the school readiness provider contract monitoring tool with the revised school readiness provider contract. 18319922 11/30/2016
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The purpose of Rule 59G-1.100, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), is to describe the Florida Medicaid Fair Hearing process conducted by the Agency for Health Care Administration. The rule clarifies the procedures for .... 18320407 11/30/2016
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The Board proposes the development of a new rule to determine how the funds are distributed for texting to 911. 18320795 11/30/2016
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To amend form DP-EXT, FRS Pension Plan Extension of DROP for Specified K-12 Instructional Personnel, to include the printed name and position title of the Superintendent or designee from the agency. To amend other forms .... 18321183 11/30/2016
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Amend ORP-RMD form to correct distribution options for those applying for a required minimum distribution. 18321280 11/30/2016
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Amend OAP-RMD form to correct distribution options for those applying for a required minimum distribution. Amend OAP-CHANGE form to update providers. 18321377 11/30/2016
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This rule is proposed to set out the requirements of the pre-match physical of the fight participants and the referees. 18320116 11/30/2016
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The proposed rule amendments are necessary to incorporate the revised applications for licensure into the appropriate rules. 18316818 11/30/2016
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The proposed changes clarify that incomplete applications expire after one year pursuant to 456.013(1), F.S., and require an application fee and a new application to be considered for licensure. 18319825 11/30/2016
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These rules are being amended to update the definitions, remove unnecessary verbiage, and remove references to a website that is no longer available. 18321571 11/30/2016
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