FAR Issue Vol. 46/No. 123 Section II  
Issue Date: June 24, 2020
Total number of notices in Section II:    4

Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
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To implement a reporting system for the notice provided to parents of the availability of a Hope Scholarship and to update the Hope notification form to clarify that eligibility for a scholarship can be based upon substantiated .... 23367705 6/24/2020
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The purpose of the proposed amendment is to update, clarify, and re-adopt the forms and their instructions incorporated by reference in Chapter 34-8, F.A.C., and to address changes required by law. All of the referenced .... 23371779 6/24/2020
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The purpose of the proposed rule is to reduce the deductible amount for the Abandoned Tank Restoration Program (ATRP) from $500.00 to $0.00 thereby reducing the participant's costs in participating in the ATRP (or their .... 23184375 6/24/2020
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The rule requiring diversion programs to submit data to the Department is amended. 23350924 6/24/2020
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