FAR Issue Vol. 50/No. 133 Section II  
Issue Date: July 9, 2024
Total number of notices in Section II:    10

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This rule sets forth the objection form for district school boards, and to consider changing the form incorporated in the rule. This rule amendment is designed to implement House Bill 1285 from the 2024 legislative session..... 28512585 7/9/2024
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The purpose of this amendment is to incorporate the legislative changes from House Bill 1285 (2024) and Senate Bill 7002 (2024), which amend Sections 1002.20 and 1003.53, Florida Statutes, to allow districts to adopt policies .... 28512488 7/9/2024
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The amendments are to simplify the complaint procedures by reducing the number of disposition codes, removing a reference to an outdated internal form and an unnecessary deadline in the closure proctocol. 28527523 7/9/2024
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The purpose of the amendment to Rule 59G-4.261, Florida Administrative Code, (F.A.C.), is to incorporate by reference the Florida Medicaid Private Duty Nursing and Family Home Health Aide Services Coverage Policy, __________ .... 28527717 7/9/2024
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The purpose of the amendment to Rule 59G-4.130, Florida Administrative Code, (F.A.C.), is to incorporate by reference the updated Florida Medicaid Home Health Visit Services Coverage Policy, __________. 28527232 7/9/2024
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The rule is being repealed because it is outdated, contrary to statute, and serves no benefit. 28526262 7/9/2024
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The proposed rule change removes a limitation found in the adopted and incorporated “Guidelines for Teaching Pain Control and Sedation to Dentists and Dental Students” which limits instructors of administration of nitrous .... 28526747 7/9/2024
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The Board proposes this change to remove a restriction limiting current and former dental hygiene members to probable cause determinations solely for dental hygienists. 28526650 7/9/2024
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The purpose and effect is to amend existing rules to incorporate amended federal forms; incorporate amended Form OFR-MIL-001; remove the duplicative incorporation of Form OFR-MIL-001; incorporate new form OFR-494-15; conform .... 28524322 7/9/2024
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The purpose and effect is to create a new rule to conform to and implement Chapter No. 2024-134, Laws of Florida, which requires the Office to prescribe, via rulemaking, criteria and processes for determining whether an .... 28524225 7/9/2024
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