Notice of Proposed Rule
62-330.010 | Purpose and Implementation | 62-330.020 | Regulated Activities | 62-330.021 | Definitions | 62-330.050 | Procedures for Review and Agency Action on Exemption Requests | 62-330.051 | Exempt Activities | 62-330.0511 | No-fee Noticed Exemptions for Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Alteration, Abandonment or Removal of Minor Silvicultural Surface Water Management Systems | 62-330.052 | General Permits — General | 62-330.054 | Individual Permits | 62-330.055 | Conceptual Approval Permits for Urban Infill or Redevelopment | 62-330.056 | Other Conceptual Approval Permits | 62-330.060 | Content of Applications for Individual and Conceptual Approval Permits | 62-330.061 | Submittal of Applications and Notices to Agency Offices (Repealed) | 62-330.062 | Water Quality Certification and Costal Zone Consistency Concurrence | 62-330.071 | Fees | 62-330.075 | Additional Requirements and Procedures for Concurrent Review of Related Applications | 62-330.090 | Processing of Individual and Conceptual Approval Permit Applications | 62-330.100 | Purpose and Intent (Repealed) | 62-330.200 | Rules Adopted by Reference (Repealed) | 62-330.201 | Determinations of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Other Surface Waters | 62-330.301 | Conditions for Issuance of Individual and Conceptual Approval Permits | 62-330.302 | Additional Conditions for Issuance of Individual and Conceptual Approval Permits | 62-330.310 | Operation and Maintenance | 62-330.311 | Inspections and Reporting | 62-330.315 | Modification of Permits | 62-330.320 | Duration of Permits | 62-330.340 | Transfer of Permit Upon Change in Ownership or Control | 62-330.350 | General Conditions for Individual Permits | 62-330.360 | Emergency Authorizations and Actions | 62-330.395 | Variances | 62-330.401 | Policy and Purpose | 62-330.402 | Submittal and Processing of General Permits | 62-330.405 | General Conditions for All General Permits | 62-330.407 | General Permit for Geotechnical Investigations in Wetlands or Other Surface Waters (Repealed) | 62-330.410 | General Permit for Dredging by the West Coast Inland Navigation District in Sarasota and Manatee Counties | 62-330.412 | General Permit for Public Navigation Channel and Canal Infrastructure by the West Coast Inland Navigation District within Lee County | 62-330.417 | General Permit for Construction, Alteration, Operation, and Maintenance of Boat Ramp Facilities | 62-330.427 | General Permit for Docks, Piers and Associated Structures | 62-330.428 | General Permit for Floating Vessel Platforms and Floating Boat Lifts | 62-330.431 | General Permit for Installation of Riprap | 62-330.437 | General Permit for the Installation of Fences | 62-330.439 | General Permit for the Construction or Maintenance of Culverted Driveway or Roadway Crossings, and Bridges of Artificial Waterways | 62-330.441 | Noticed General Permit for Public Navigation Channel and Canal Infrastructure by the West Coast Inland Navigation District within Lee County (Transferred) | 62-330.443 | General Permit to the Florida Department of Transportation, Counties and Municipalities for Minor Bridge Alteration, Placement, Replacement, Removal, Maintenance, and Operation | 62-330.447 | General Permit to the Florida Department of Transportation, Counties, and Municipalities for Minor Activities Within Existing Rights-of-Way or Easements | 62-330.448 | General Permit to Counties and Municipalities to Pave Existing County or Municipally Owned and Maintained Roads, including the Repair and Replacement of Bridges that are Part of the Roadway | 62-330.449 | General Permit for Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Alteration, Abandonment or Removal of Airport Airside Stormwater Management Systems | 62-330.450 | General Permit for Construction, Alteration, and Operation of Urban Infill and Redevelopment Activities in Conformance with the Conceptual Approval Permit in Rule 62-330.055, F.A.C. | 62-330.451 | General Permit to Counties, Municipalities, and other Agencies to Conduct Stormwater Retrofit Activities | 62-330.453 | General Permit for Installation, Maintenance, Repair, and Removal of Underground Utility Lines | 62-330.455 | General Permit for the Construction of Aerial Pipeline, Cable, and Conduit Crossings of Certain Waters | 62-330.457 | General Permit for Subaqueous Utility Crossings of Artificial Waterways | 62-330.458 | General Permit for the Construction and Maintenance of Electric Power Lines by Electric Utilities | 62-330.459 | General Permit for Relocation of Aerial Electric and Communication Lines Associated with Road Improvement Projects | 62-330.463 | General Permit for Breaching Mosquito Control Impoundments and for the Construction and Operation of Culverts and Associated Water Control Structures in Mosquito Control Impoundments by Governmental Mosquito Control Agencies | 62-330.467 | General Permit for Breaching Mosquito Control Impoundments by Governmental Mosquito Control Agencies (Repealed) | 62-330.475 | General Permit for Single-family Residential Activities in Isolated Wetlands | 62-330.476 | General Permit for Private Single-Family Residences Within Jupiter Farms, Palm Beach County | 62-330.477 | General Permit for Single Family Residential Lots Within the Indian Trail Water Control District | 62-330.483 | General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts to Conduct Minor Activities | 62-330.485 | General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts for Environmental Restoration or Enhancement | 62-330.487 | General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts to Change Operating Schedules for Water Control Structures | 62-330.488 | General Permit to Governmental Entities for Certain Public Use Facilities at Public Natural Areas | 62-330.490 | General Permit for the Reclamation of Eligible Phosphate Lands Mined Before July 1, 1975 | 62-330.491 | Noticed General Permit for Raising the Height of Existing Earthen Embankments for Impoundments at Facilities for Minining Sand and Limestone (Repealed) | 62-330.492 | General Permit for Prospecting for Limestone, Sand, and Peat | 62-330.493 | General Permit to Perform Prospecting Activities for Phosphate Minerals | 62-330.494 | General Permit for Temporary Dragline Crossings of Waterways | 62-330.495 | General Permit for Low Water Crossings for Mining Activities | 62-330.496 | General Permit for Dry Borrow Pits of Less than Five Acres (Repealed) | 62-330.500 | General Permit for Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Alteration, Abandonment or Removal of Minor Silvicultural Surface Water Management Systems (Repealed) | 62-330.501 | General Permit for Temporary Agricultural Activities within the South Florida Water Management District | 62-330.505 | General Permit to the U.S. Forest Service for Minor Works within National Forests | 62-330.550 | General Permit for Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Nonproduction-related Agricultural Facilities | 62-330.600 | General Permit for the Construction of Artificial Reefs | 62-330.602 | General Permit for Installation and Maintenance of Intake and Discharge Pipes Associated with Marine Bivalve Facilities (Repealed) | 62-330.630 | General Permit to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Environmental Restoration or Enhancement Activities | 62-330.631 | General Permit to Governmental Entities for Limited Environmental Restoration or Enhancement Activities | 62-330.632 | General Permit for the Restoration, Establishment and Enhancement of Low Profile Oyster Habitat | 62-330.635 | General Permit for Soil Remediation | 62-330.901 | Noticed General Permit Forms (Repealed) |
373.026(7), 373.043, 373.044, 373,113, 373.118, 373.118(1), 373.118(6), 373.171, 373.406(5), 373.413, 373.4131, 373.414, 373.414(9), 373.4145, 373.415, 373.418, 373.421(2), 373.4211(22) through (25), 373.461, 380.06(9), 403.0877, 403.805(1), 403.813(1)(t) FS. |
120.54(5)(a), 253.034(1), 373.019, 373.042, 373.0421, 373.044, 373.085, 373.086, 373.109, 373.118, 373.118(1), 373.118(6), 373.119, 373.129, 373.136, 373.403, 373.406, 373.406(5), 373.413, 373.4131, 373.4135, 373.4136, 373.414, 373.414(9), 373.4141, 373.4145, 373.415, 373.416, 373.417, 373.418, 373.419, 373.421(2) through (6), 373.4211(22) and (25), 373.422, 373.423, 373.426, 373.427, 373.429, 373.413, 373.430, 373.433, 373.436, 373.439, 373.461, 380.06(9), 403.0877, 403.813(1), 403.813(1)(t) FS. |
4/12/2013 Vol. 39/72 |
From 4/12/2013 To 5/3/2013 (21 Days)
The public comment period for this notice has already expired.
Ref-02511 Form 62-330.060(1) Section A: Joint Application for Individual and Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit/Authorization to Use State-Owned Submerged Lands/Federal Dredge and Fill Permit (and Sections B, C, D, E, F, G and H)
Ref-02520 Rule 68A-4.009, FAC (August 23, 2012)
Ref-02521 Applicants Handbook Volume II NWFWMD
Ref-02522 Applicants Handbook Volume 1