Notice of Meeting/Workshop Hearing
14-10.0011 | General Provisions | 14-10.0022 | Outdoor Advertising Sign Inventory | 14-10.003 | Licenses | 14-10.004 | Outdoor Advertising Permit Applications, Criteria, and Permit Issuance | 14-10.0041 | Annual Renewal Billing - Licenses and Permits | 14-10.0042 | Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Licenses, and Denial or Revocation of Permits | 14-10.0043 | Outdoor Advertising License and Permit Fees | 14-10.0052 | Zoning Enacted Primarily to Permit Outdoor Advertising Signs | 14-10.006 | Permitting Criteria (Repealed) | 14-10.007 | Maintenance of Nonconforming Signs | 14-10.057 | Vegetation Management Application and Permit Insurance |
The Department of Transportation announces a workshop to which all persons are invited. |
A copy of the agenda may be obtained by contacting: Michael Green, OAC Operations, Department of Transportation, 605 Suwannee Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, (850) 414-4558, michael.green@dot.state.fl.us. A copy is also available at www.dot.state.fl.us/rightofway/. |
9/4/2014 Vol. 40/172 |
No reference(s).