Notice of Meeting/Workshop Hearing
18-21.002 | Scope and Effective Date | 18-21.003 | Definitions | 18-21.004 | Management Policies, Standards, and Criteria | 18-21.00401 | Additional Requirements and Procedures for Concurrent Review of Related Applications | 18-21.0041 | Florida Keys Marina and Dock Siting Policies and Criteria | 18-21.005 | Forms of Authorization | 18-21.0051 | Delegation of Authority | 18-21.0056 | Procedures for the Review of Applications to Conduct Geophysical Testing | 18-21.007 | Applications for Letter of Consent | 18-21.0077 | Applications for Use Agreements | 18-21.008 | Applications for Lease | 18-21.0082 | Applications for Special Event Authorizations | 18-21.009 | Applications for Public Easement | 18-21.010 | Applications for Private Easement | 18-21.011 | Payments and Fees | 18-21.013 | Applications to Purchase Filled Lands Adjacent to Riparian Uplands | 18-21.019 | Applications, Standards, Criteria, Fees, and Forms for Disclaimers, Quitclaim Deeds or Certificates to Clear Title Formerly Submerged Sovereignty Lands, Filled-In, Bulkheaded, or Permanently Improved in Accordance with Chapter 253, F.S. | 18-21.020 | Aquacultural Activities | 18-21.021 | Applications for Aquacultural Activities | 18-21.022 | Payments and Fees for Aquacultural Activities | 18-21.900 | Forms (Repealed) |
The Department of Environmental Protection announces a workshop to which all persons are invited. |
A copy of the agenda may be obtained by contacting: Scott Woolam, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Senior Program Analyst, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd, Mail Station 100, Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000, telephone: (850)245-2806, e-mail: Scott.Woolam@floridadep.gov. The draft rule is also available on the Department’s website at: https://floridadep.gov/water/water/content/water-resource-management-rules-development. |
8/6/2018 Vol. 44/152 |
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