Rule Chapter: 12A-1
Chapter Title: SALES AND USE TAX Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 12A-1.001 Specific Exemptions 1/1/2024
Rule file 12A-1.0011 Schools Offering Grades K through 12; Parent-Teacher Associations; and Parent-Teacher Organizations 6/19/2001
Rule file 12A-1.0015 Sales for Export; Sales to Nonresident Dealers and Foreign Diplomats 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-1.002 Practitioners of the Healing Arts (Repealed) 7/12/2010
Rule file 12A-1.003 Sales of Several Items to the Same Purchaser at the Same Time (Repealed) 5/9/2013
Rule file 12A-1.004 Sales Tax Brackets (Repealed) 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-1.005 Admissions 10/26/2022
Rule file 12A-1.006 Charges by Dealers Who Adjust, Apply, Alter, Install, Maintain, Remodel, or Repair Tangible Personal Property 8/15/2021
Rule file 12A-1.007 Aircraft, Boats, Mobile Homes, and Motor Vehicles 2/20/2025
Rule file 12A-1.0071 Boats Temporarily Docked in Florida 12/31/2020
Rule file 12A-1.008 Newspapers, Community Newspapers, Shoppers, Magazines and Other Periodicals 1/28/2008
Rule file 12A-1.009 Receipts from Services Rendered for Exterminating and Pest Control 1/12/2011
Rule file 12A-1.0091 Cleaning Services 1/12/2011
Rule file 12A-1.0092 Detective, Burglar Protection, and Other Protection Services 1/1/2024
Rule file 12A-1.010 Receipts from Sales by Barber Shops and Beauty Shops 6/19/2001
Rule file 12A-1.011 Sales of Food Products for Human Consumption by Grocery Stores, Convenience Stores, and Supermarkets; Sales of Bakery Products by Bakeries, Pastry Shops, or Like Establishments; Drinking Water; Ice 6/6/2011
Rule file 12A-1.0115 Sales of Food Products Served, Prepared, or Sold in or by Restaurants, Lunch Counters, Cafeterias, Hotels, Taverns, or Other Like Places of Business and by Transportation Companies. 1/10/2017
Rule file 12A-1.012 Repossessed Merchandise and Bad Debts 4/16/2018
Rule file 12A-1.014 Refunds and Credits for Sales Tax Erroneously Paid 5/9/2013
Rule file 12A-1.0141 Equipment Used to Deploy Internet Related Broadband Technologies in a Florida Network Access Point; Refund Procedures (Repealed) 12/18/2007
Rule file 12A-1.0142 Refund of Tax Paid on Purchases of Equipment, Machinery, and Other Materials for Renewable Energy Technologies (Repealed) 1/25/2012
Rule file 12A-1.0143 Manufacturing and Spaceport Investment Incentive Program Tax Refunds (Repealed) 1/8/2019
Rule file 12A-1.0144 Refund of Tax Paid on Purchases of Equipment, Machinery, and Other Materials for Renewable Energy Technologies (Repealed) 4/16/2018
Rule file 12A-1.015 Industrial Gases (Repealed) 7/12/2010
Rule file 12A-1.016 Sales; Installation Charges 10/2/2001
Rule file 12A-1.0161 Sales and Use Tax on Services; Sale for Resale 1/12/2011
Rule file 12A-1.017 Finance and Interest Charges and Carrying Charges on Installment Sales 4/2/2000
Rule file 12A-1.018 Trade and Cash Discounts 7/20/2011
Rule file 12A-1.020 Licensed Practitioners; Drugs, Medical Products and Supplies 1/1/2024
Rule file 12A-1.021 Prosthetic and Orthopedic Appliances 7/12/2010
Rule file 12A-1.0215 Veterinary Sales and Services 2/17/2015
Rule file 12A-1.022 Federal Excise Taxes, Gross Receipts Tax, and Other Fees 2/17/2015
Rule file 12A-1.023 Linen Supply 6/16/1972
Rule file 12A-1.024 Fabrication of Tangible Personal Property for Others 6/16/1972
Rule file 12A-1.025 Receipts from Sales of Tangible Personal Property Sold to Building Operators, Business Establishments, Offices (Repealed) 3/25/2020
Rule file 12A-1.027 Printing of Tangible Personal Property 6/19/2001
Rule file 12A-1.029 Labels and Other Printed Matter Sold to Manufacturers (Repealed) 6/1/2009
Rule file 12A-1.032 Computer Software 8/15/2021
Rule file 12A-1.033 Sales of Manuscripts 6/16/1972
Rule file 12A-1.034 Promotional Materials Exported from this State 5/9/2013
Rule file 12A-1.035 Funerals; Related Merchandise and Services 5/9/2013
Rule file 12A-1.036 Furniture and Storage Warehousemen 6/1/2009
Rule file 12A-1.037 Occasional or Isolated Sales or Transactions Involving Tangible Personal Property or Services 8/1/2002
Rule file 12A-1.0371 Sales of Coins, Currency, or Bullion 1/1/2024
Rule file 12A-1.038 Consumer's Certificate of Exemption; Exemption Certificates 1/17/2018
Rule file 12A-1.039 Sales for Resale 1/11/2016
Rule file 12A-1.040 Containers and Other Packaging Materials; Gift Wrapping 6/1/2009
Rule file 12A-1.041 Photographers and Photo Finishers; Sales by Public Officials of Public Records 1/11/2016
Rule file 12A-1.042 Dry Cleaners and Laundries 6/16/1972
Rule file 12A-1.043 Manufacturing 12/31/2020
Rule file 12A-1.044 Vending Machines 1/1/2024
Rule file 12A-1.045 Transportation Charges 10/17/1994
Rule file 12A-1.047 Florists 1/1/2024
Rule file 12A-1.048 Sale of Agricultural Products 6/19/2001
Rule file 12A-1.049 Sales of Animals 3/1/2000
Rule file 12A-1.051 Sales to or by Contractors Who Repair, Alter, Improve and Construct Real Property 4/17/2003
Rule file 12A-1.053 Electric Power and Energy 2/17/2015
Rule file 12A-1.055 Sale or Discontinuation of Business 1/17/2013
Rule file 12A-1.056 Tax Due at Time of Sale; Tax Returns and Regulations 1/1/2024
Rule file 12A-1.057 Alcoholic and Malt Beverages 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-1.059 Fuels 10/26/2022
Rule file 12A-1.060 Registration 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-1.061 Rentals, Leases, and Licenses to Use Transient Accommodations 5/9/2013
Rule file 12A-1.0615 Hotel Rewards Points Programs 5/23/2011
Rule file 12A-1.062 Information Services 6/19/2001
Rule file 12A-1.063 Tangible Personal Property Consumed in Manufacturing, Processing, Assembling and Refining 12/16/1991
Rule file 12A-1.064 Sales to Licensed Common Carriers Operating Motor Vehicles or Railroad Rolling Stock in Interstate and Foreign Commerce 5/9/2013
Rule file 12A-1.0641 Sales of Vessels Used in Interstate or Foreign Commerce or for Commercial Fishing Purposes 12/31/2020
Rule file 12A-1.065 Sales to Banks 6/16/1972
Rule file 12A-1.066 Auctioneers, Agents, Brokers and Factors 1/1/2024
Rule file 12A-1.067 Pawnbrokers 6/16/1972
Rule file 12A-1.068 Tire Recapping (Repealed) 5/9/2013
Rule file 12A-1.070 Leases and Licenses of Real Property; Storage of Boats and Aircraft 8/6/2024
Rule file 12A-1.071 Rentals, Leases, or License to Use Tangible Personal Property 11/3/2009
Rule file 12A-1.072 Advertising Agencies 3/4/2001
Rule file 12A-1.073 Motor Vehicle Parking Lots and Garages, Boat Docks and Marinas, and Aircraft Tie-down or Storage 7/7/1992
Rule file 12A-1.074 Trade-Ins 7/20/2011
Rule file 12A-1.075 Deposits (Repealed) 6/1/2009
Rule file 12A-1.076 Sales of Articles of Clothing, Clothing Accessories, and Jewelry 3/20/1996
Rule file 12A-1.077 Free Merchandise 10/18/1978
Rule file 12A-1.080 Concession Prizes; The Sale of Food, Drink, and Tangible Personal Property at Concession Stands 6/19/2001
Rule file 12A-1.081 Consignment Sales 6/16/1972
Rule file 12A-1.085 Exemption for Qualified Production Companies 1/11/2016
Rule file 12A-1.087 Exemption for Power Farm Equipment; Electricity Used for Certain Agricultural Purposes; Suggested Exemption Certificate for Items Used for Agricultural Purposes 1/1/2024
Rule file 12A-1.089 Gift Certificates 12/13/1988
Rule file 12A-1.090 Tax Liens, Garnishment and Jeopardy Assessments (Repealed) 3/12/2014
Rule file 12A-1.091 Use Tax 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-1.0911 Self-Accrual Authorization; Direct Remittance on Behalf of Independent Distributors 1/11/2016
Rule file 12A-1.094 Public Works Contracts 1/12/2011
Rule file 12A-1.096 Industrial Machinery and Equipment for Use in a New or Expanding Business 1/17/2013
Rule file 12A-1.097 Public Use Forms 2/20/2025
Rule file 12A-1.103 Remote Sales; Marketplaces 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-1.104 Sales of Property to be Transported to a Cooperating State (Repealed) 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-1.105 Service Warranties 9/15/2008
Rule file 12A-1.107 Community Contribution Tax Credit 1/1/2024
Rule file 12A-1.108 Exemption for Data Center Property 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-1.109 Florida Sales Tax Credit Scholarship Program for Commercial Rental Property 10/28/2019
Rule file 12A-1.110 Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program Motor Vehicle Sales Tax Credit Scholarship Program 2/20/2025
Rule file 12A-1.111 Department of Revenue Electronic Database 8/15/2021
Rule file 12A-1.116 Florida Farm Tax Exempt Agricultural Materials Card 2/11/2024